Chapter 15

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At Buck's apartment.

"Oliver! Did you took me ----?" Buck stop talking when he saw Carlos with him watching a movie.

"Carlos hi, I didn't see you there," Buck said.

"Hey buck sorry for visiting so early we just wanted to finish the last episode together" Carlos replied.

"Together... Wait you guys are--?" Buck got cut off again.

"Yes, Carlos ask me on a date a few days ago and after that, we hang out, it's been great" Oliver replied.

"That's great I knew you two will date at some point" b\Buck replied and grabs a cup of coffee.

"What about you, Is Tk in your hands now?" Carlos ask.

"Carlos, Buck, and TK never dated. But he is dating Aaron well boyfriend is the word now anyway" Oliver replied.

"Yeah, I have to go somewhere don't ruin my sofa," He said and heads to the door.

"We won't!" Carlos yelled.


"Tk, glad you can come," Buck said.

"Hey man, You called me for help what do you want anyway?" Tk ask.

"I wanted to thank you, you personally" Buck replied.

"Why, did I do something?" Tk ask.

"Did something? Dude, you help me find that there is more happiness inside of me. You help me to be happy about who I am so we are going on a road trip" Buck said.

"I don't know plus. Shouldn't Aaron be the one with you, not me?" Tk asks trying to decline his offer.

"Yes, but he has an important person going to his restaurant today he needs to make a big impression" Buck replied.

"Then why not ask Eddie and Christopher, Or Dad, Hen, Chim, your sister, or literary  anyone?" Tk ask.

"Christopher and Eddie have a family reunion today, Your dad has a chemotherapy schedule today, Hen has to look out for her children, Chim and Maddie are going to Aaron's restaurant later so your the only one left, Plus Like I said I want to thank you personally" Buck replied.

"You can just buy me anything and that's fine we don't need to go on a road trip" Tk tried again.

"But I want something to remember of how you help me so please accept my offer plus I already pack my stuff and yours," Buck said.

"How did you pack my stuff?" Tk ask.

"I ask your mom to pack your stuff" Buck replied.

"But mom is in New York, how is that possible? are you sure it was her" Tk ask.

"Well she arrived yesterday but you were on a shift so... I thought if you don't want to get caught in the middle of their fight talk you should come with me. Because you told me before that when they are together they always fight" Buck replied.

"Fine fine I just hate them fighting over me, over and over again" Tk finally agreed.

"Yes, Come on," Buck said and starts his car.

"So where are we going anyway?" Tk ask.

"I have two places in mind, First we go to the amusement Park Then I was planning on drinking beer and stargazing" Buck replied.

"But is that plan kinda what couples do?" Tk said.

"Yeah but best friends edition, I know that you only like me as a friend" Buck replied.

What if we alter? (Buck x Tk Fanfiction) [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now