Chapter 11

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2 weeks later.

At the firehouse.

Buck and Eddie are playing a video game, Hen reading a book, Owen cooking, and Chim talking to Maddie on the phone.

"Hi is Evan Buckley here?" Aaron ask.

"Yes, he is, Buck! You got a visitor" Chim yelled.

Buck pauses the game and heads downstairs.

The others are interested in Buck so they also check who it is.

"Aaron, what a surprise I thought you have to buy ingredients for your menu todat\y?" Buck ask.

"I am, I'm just stopping by to give you these Vanilla and Chocolate Icecream cupcakes because I made extra. You can share it with the 118" Aaron said as he hands over a box.

"Thank I don't know what to say", really Buck replied.

"Don't say anything, Just be cute and kiss me already" Aaron said and buck kiss him.

The 118 was surprise but not that much considering he already came out to them.

"Well I got to go but it's nice seeing you in a uniform" Aaron replied and goes back to his van.

Buck heads upstairs and the others are waiting for his answer.

"Do you guys want one?" Buck asks confuse.

"Yeah sure, but you have to tell us first who was that?" Hen asks and grabs 1.

"Oh that Aaron Highway, my boyfriend" Buck replied smiling.

"Wow, Buck never knew you been seeing someone" Chim ask.

"I literary said it to you guys two weeks ago" Buck replied.

"Yeah but I never thought it was serious, I thought you just 1.0 but instead of women it's men" Eddie replied.

"I'm Buck 2.0 guys never returning to my old ways" Buck replied.

"What did I miss?" TK asks after taking a shower.

"Oh, you should have seen buck's face when he kisses Aaron, his boyfriend. He is blushing so much" Hen replied.

"I was not," Buck said.

"Oh, TK do you want one?" Buck ask.

"No thanks I'm not hungry," Tk said and head to his locker.

"His legs are healed so why is he still moody?" Eddie ask.

"I don't know but something is really wrong with TK" Owen replied.

"Have you talk to him cap?" Chim ask.

"I tried but he always says he is fine, which worries me" He replied.

"Why? Do you think he will do something stupid like Buck?" Hen asks.

"Hey!! I'm kinda offended by that " Buck remark.

"Well I sure hope not" Owen replied.

--------- Nighttime

At Buck's apartment.

Buck prepared some snacks and movies because Aaron agreed to watch a movie with him. He was happy that Oliver agreed to be at Maddie's for the whole day so it's just him and Aaron alone.

Buck set up everything Food on the table with beer on the side, Movies ready to go, and the couch comfy and clean.

"Alright, everything is set he should arrive here at..." Buck check the watch.

He heard the door knock and when he opened it's Aaron.

"Aaron come in come in" Buck replied.

"Thanks for inviting me to watch movies with you" Aaron replied.

"No problem besides, Eddie, Christopher, and I use to do this but they can't come today because Eddie has a shift and Christopher have way too many assignments that Shannon won't let him visit me," Buck said as he let Aaron in.

"So what movies are we watching?" Aaron ask.

"I don't know, you pick" Aaron suggested.

"Alright, how about Marvel movies?" Buck ask.

"Sure, What do you have?" Aaron ask.

"Oh let's watch Marvel's Endgame" Buck suggests.

"Alright I also brought muffins," Aaron said.

"I bake before I head here. I don't want to arrive here empty-handed" Aaron replied.

"That's sweet who knew having a boyfriend can be this sweet" Buck said.

"Wait is this your first time with a man?" Aaron ask.

"Yeah, Sorry" Buck apologize.

"Why are you sorry, this is my second time actually" Aaron replied.

"Wow so we are both kinda new to this" Buck said as he starts the movie.

"But I'm way advance that you are" Aaron replied.

The two watch haft way to the movie.

Aaron slowly puts his hand on buck's thigh, Which causes Buck to panic.

"Um... Sorry if you're not ready I get---" Aaron got interrupted by Buck's lips crashing into his.

"I have never done this before but I'm willing to try," He said and continue kissing Aaron from his lips going lower and lower.

Buck and Aaron take off their clothes and continue kissing each other.

----At Buck's front door.

Tk arrived at buck's apartment he wanted to apologize for how he acted earlier with them. He knocks on the door for few times no answer, Knock on the second time still no answer.

Buck always opened the door, what's happening, I know he is in here.

"Buck!? are you home?" Tk said.

A few seconds later he heard someone opening the door.

"Um, who are you?" TK asks Aaron who is only wearing his shorts.

"Hi I'm Aaron, Buck's boyfriend" Aaron replied.

"Um is Buck in there I kinda wanted to talk to him," TK asks and Buck head to the door only shirtless.

"You know what, It can wait tomorrow," Tk said.

"Okay we have shifts together anyway," Buck said and Aaron closes the door.

Tk walks out of the building. He doesn't understand how he feels anymore. Why did he have to push Buck away and now that he found someone else why is he so hurt by it? He is his friend he should be happy for him but, He can't for some reason. The pain really kills him.

Tk decided to head back to the station where Owen and Eddie are still on shift.

"Tk what are you doing here, Shouldn't you be at home?" Owen ask.

"I got bored so I head here" Tk replied.

"What happened TK, I know you. You been acting stranger ever since you got your legs broken?" Owen ask.

"You can tell us if something is wrong" Eddie added.

'Should I tell them or not?' Tk said to himself.

What if we alter? (Buck x Tk Fanfiction) [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now