Chapter 8

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Christopher and Oliver are still inside the restroom.

The ground started vibrating again.

"Help!" The two yelled asking for help.

"Dad! Buck! Sir TK! help!" Christopher yelled.

"Guys do you hear that?" Owen ask.

"It's them... the restroom" Eddie yelled and the 118 heads there.

"Christopher, Oliver are you guys in there?" Buck yelled.

"Yes we are here but sir Oliver's arm is being crushed by a solid concrete" Christopher replied.

"Hang on" Eddie yelled and grab a saw.

They cut the tree and remove it to open the door.

"Buddy your safe now," Eddie said as he hugs Christopher.

"But sir Oliver's arm is injured," He said and points to Oliver.

"Oli oli?" buck said as he tries to wake up Oliver.

"Buck I'm glad to see you" He replied.

"Hang on we will get you out in there" Buck replied.

The 118 got Oliver out.

"Hen checks his status, Chim checks the whole area if there are others. Buck, Eddie come with them to the hospital it's your day off today, Great work" He said.

"But captain-" Buck said and he got interrupted.

"No it's your day off, you know what do you mind if you look out for Tk in the hospital while I'm on duty?" Owen ask.

"No not at all cap" he replied.

"Cap no sign of anyone her. I'll start the van" He said as he heads to the van.

"Okay good work team come on" Owen said.

"Can we visit sir Oliver and sir TK later dad?" Christopher ask.

"Sure buddy" He replied.

"I got to go TK and Oliver" Buck replied as he heads back.

"Alright take care" He replied.

---- At the hospital.

"Oliver I'll go check on Buck you sure your okay if I leave for few minutes?" buck asks.

"Buck I'm not a kid okay I'll be fine go to your boyfriend," He said.

"He is not my boyfriend!" he replied annoyed.

"Alright alright, your boy.... friend... Happy?" He said with a smile.

"You're a jerk you know that," he said.

"I know but I also know how you look at him" He yells as Buck runs to the hallway.

"Hi, where is the room of Tyler Kennedy Strand He was brought here about 2 hours ago?" Buck ask.

"Um... yes sir he is in room 37 on the 3rd floor" She replied.

"Thank you" He heads to the room.

Buck search the room and came inside.

"Are you Family with Tyler?" the doctor asked.

"We work together with his father. He asks me to check on him" He replied and the doctor nodded.

"He is still asleep. Alright, We run his x-ray, and well the good news is he didn't suffer any massive damage on his bones but the bad news is the legs still suffered quite damage so I'm not quite sure if he can walk properly for 2 to 3week If you need anything I'll be in next room" The doctor replied and head to the door.

"thank you doc" He replied and nodded and head out.

Buck sits in the chair and looks at cute sleeping TK. He holds his hand.

"I'm sorry TK. if I paid attention to you after we... k..kiss then none of this would have happened" He said and lie his head on the bed.

"It's... fine" Tk replied.

"Tk your awake" Buck replied as he hugs him tight.

"Buck... You're suffocating me" Tk replied barely getting any air.

"Oh sorry, I was just worried," Buck said as he sits back in his chair.

"It's fine, I kinda needed the company anyway" Tk replied as he tries to sit down.

"Hey don't force yourself let me" He replied as he helps TK get up.

Buck and Tk are again face to face. Buck tried to kiss TK but he stops him.

"I'm sorry for trying to kiss--" Buck replied.

"No, it's alright. I like you buck your handsome, kind, funny, and really fun to be around but... I'm still not ready for that again" Tk replied as he looks into the window.

"I understand, I---" Buck got interrupted.

"TK! God why didn't you call me?" Carlos ask.

"I have just woken up Carlos, I'm fine just a minor problem with my legs" Tk replied.

"The doctor said that he would be back again in 2 to 3 weeks" Buck replied.
"Thank god, You scare me so much when your dad calls me" Carlos replied.

"Why did he spend a lot of time in hospital" buck ask.

"Yes because he overdose---- I mean over drink too much alcohol" Carlos replied kinda weird.

"So that's why you always get mineral water instead of the beer or any champagne" Buck replied.

"Yeah yeah," Tk replied and look mad at Carlos.

"Sorry" He whispered.

"Finally found you guys, I  been wandering around looking for room no 37" Oliver replied.

"Carlos, what are you doing here?" Oliver asks.

"Yeah I just wanted to visit TK"  Carlos replied.

Oliver nodded. "So how're your legs?" Oliver asks.

"Good I think well I can move them but it stings a bit, the doctor said I have to wait for 2 to 3 weeks for my legs to heal" Tk replied.

"How about you Oliver?" Carlos ask.

"I'm fine just my left arm broken, I'll be wearing this for a while" Oliver replied.

"Well, I should call cap to let him know you okay" Buck replied and head outside.

Owen: "Buck what's up, is Tk Alright"
Buck: "Yes cap he is alright the doctor said he didn't break any bone but he needs to rest for 2 to 3 weeks, how it going out there?"
Owen: "Not pretty, That earthquake did a number on some of the construction here"
Buck: "Oh the doctor is coming back, talk to you later cap"
Owen: "Alright inform me if there are other news"
Buck: "I will cap" Call ended.

He heads back inside along with the doctor.

"Um, Doc can TK go home now or..?" Carlos ask.

"I'm sorry to say but he needs to stay here for at least another day. We need to observe him, see if there are other complications" Doc replied.

"What about me Doc," Oliver asked.

"You can go, you just need to sign this paper and you can head home," the doctor said as she hands over a paper and pen.

"So who will watch over Tk?" Carlos ask.

"Buck you should stay" Carlos added.

"But I need to take Oliver back home" He replied.

"No buck I'm fine, how about you stay here with TK, and Carlos will drop me at Maddie's so she can keep an eye on me, sound good?" Oliver asks.

"Fine by me" Carlos replied.

"Drive safe you guys" Tk replied.

"we will" Oliver replied and leave.

"So... it's just us," buck said kinda awkward.

"Yeah" Tk replied.

What if we alter? (Buck x Tk Fanfiction) [COMPLETE]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat