Chapter 18

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Buck is just watching TV day and night eating ice cream. He hasn't moved since 7 PM. Oliver is getting worried that he didn't take the break-up very well.

He grabs his phone and dials Aaron's number.

Aaron: "Oliver hey, what's up?"
Oliver: "Yeah we might have a problem, Buck is kinda messed up right now, he's been watching grey's anatomy non-stop now and I'm kinda worried.
Aaron: "Yeah I also heard from Carlos that TK is silent about everything. Like he just shuts down which is not a good sign" Carlos said
Oliver: "So are we going to proceed or postpone the plan?"
Aaron: "I'll talk to him first then I'll let you know"
Oliver: " Alright he isn't going anyway"
Aaron: " I'll be there maybe this afternoon I still have so much paperwork, sorry, bye"
Call ended.

Oliver look at Buck, worried for his big brother.

"Buck, do you want a salad?" Oliver asks.

"Just Ice cream and a beer are fine" Buck replied barely making any effort at speaking.

"Um no! It's 6 AM Ice cream and beer isn't really a good match in the morning" Oliver replied as he tried to clear bottles and ice cream container on the floor.

"Just go to Carlos Oli, He needs you more than I do" Buck replied.

"No you need me plus Carlos is with TK," Oliver said.

"TK that name really annoys me" buck replied.

"Are you drunk or just really really depressed?" Oliver asks.

"Could be both hahaha" Buck replied as he moves Oliver because he was blocking the tv screen.

"I'll go get you some water," Oliver said and head to the kitchen.

Suddenly someone opened the door. Oliver opened it and it's Eddie.

"Eddie, what a surprise, I thought you have work to do?" Oliver asks after letting him in.

"Yeah I cancel because my best friend is in bits" Eddie replied.

"Buck! Eddie is here" Oliver yelled.

"Eddie?" Buck asks and looks at Eddie.

"Hey buck, I know I haven't been visiting you this past couple of weeks and I'm sorry" Eddie replied as he sits on the couch.

"It's fine I know you, Christopher and Shannon have plans on your own" buck replied.

"I just found out that Aaron broke up with you... How are you holding up?" Eddie ask.

"Well I'm getting better" buck replied.

"That's a lie, You're not getting better!!" Oliver yelled.

"Yeah, sorry The truth is I'm lost... I don't want to feel anything but it's really hard trying to feel.... not sad, you know. At the start, you thought this is it. For sure he is the one, and then you found out he isn't. and since you have been rejected so many times it should be easy, but it's not... it still feels the same... hurts like hell before and now" Buck replied and started crying.

Eddie hugs buck.
"I'm sorry Buck, Life isn't designed to always be happy, I learn that with Shannon but, someday you will find someone special.... or maybe you have" Eddie replied after he breaks the hug.

"What do you mean," Buck asks wiping the tears in his eyes.

"TK... You may or may not know this but, Tk loves you and I think deep down you still love him too" Eddie said and place a hand on buck's shoulder.

"He lied to me Eddie, he wanted me when I had already someone else" Buck replied.

"Are you sure he lied?" Eddie asks looking into his eyes.

Buck became silent. "We may not know why TK kept his feelings for you the first time but I know that TK had never opened up about his love life to anyone. Maybe something happened that TK just shut down completely but, you Buck ignited it again" Eddie said.

"I..." Buck can't seem to know or what to say.

"Now where do you want to go?" Eddie asks buck.

At the firehouse.

"Eddie, Buck you don't have a shift today why are you guys here?" Owen asks in surprise.

"Can I talk to you for a sec cap in private?" Buck ask and Owen agreed.

They head to Owen's office and the two take a sit.

"Cap, can I ask you a question?" Buck ask.

"Sure... is this about TK being in love with you?" Owen ask.

"How did you know?" Buck ask.

"That boy told me after you and Aaron became close" Owen replied.

"I wanted to ask you.... what happened to TK's relationship before he moved here in LA?" Buck asks and Owen doesn't know how to respond.

"Dave is the name of his boyfriend back when he was in Austin... He called me to say that he will propose to Dave... I was hesitant at first but I let Tk do it because if he thinks he is right then he should be free to do that" Owen replied and take a sip of his coffee.

"Then what happened?" Buck ask.

"He proposes to Dave and it ended badly turns out that He like someone else... and that crushed TK heart..... I tried calling and texting him but he wouldn't reply so I call his captain bobby nash and he said that he hasn't attended his shift so I started to panic" Owen replied.

"What did TK do?" Buck ask.

"He overdose....." Owen replied as he holds back the tears just by remembering it.

"I wasn't there but, When asking bobby to check he saw tk on the ground pale and dying... I wasn't there..and......." Owen started crying.

"I'm sorry Captain I didn't mean to make you cry," Buck said as he tried to comfort him.

"No... I'm fine... I know that TK likes you and you rejected him I respect that.... but please don't hurt him further, because if he gets so deep I'm not so sure what to expect anymore" Owen replied.

"I won't cap. I'm sorry for bringing this topic with you" Buck said as he stands up.

"It's fine, It's in the past anyway... " He replied and waves goodbye to buck.

What if we alter? (Buck x Tk Fanfiction) [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now