Chapter 7

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Thank you again @InquisitorBeals for your ideas.

Buck, Eddie, Tk, Oliver, and Christopher are at the park enjoying their day off.

Buck and Tk wearing roller skates racing like little kids, Oliver watching Christopher play with the other kids and Eddie buying ice cream for everyone.

"Buck, TK they only have 1 vanilla flavor left" Eddie yelled.

"Mine I'm the one who ordered it first," Buck said.

"What no, I ordered it first," Tk said.

"Well someone has to adjust," Eddie said.

"How about you guys have a race. Starting from here to that hotdog stand over there. First to reach the finish line wins the ice cream" Oliver said and they agreed.

"Ready....set......go!" Oliver yelled and they proceed.

"Wow your brother really is crazy," Eddie said.

"Oh, you haven't seen his full craziness... Back when we were living with mom and dad he injured himself so many times just to get their attention like falling from a tree, injuries from doing tricks, etc" Oliver said.

"That explains a lot about him," Eddie said.

"Go, Buck! Go, sir TK!" Christopher yelled as he watches the two.

"Well I hope they don't bump into any kids," Eddie said.


"Buck you can't beat me," Tk said.

"Oh yeah said the guy who is now slowing down" Buck replied.

"Fine let's see who's faster," Tk said and proceed to increase his speed so did buck.

"Where is Carlos anyway?" Eddie ask.

"Oh he's needed at the police station" Oliver replied.

"Speaking of needed captain strand ask me to call him when we arrived at the park go to the fountain to buys something," Eddie said as he grabs his phone.

"Watch over Christopher while I'm gone" Eddie added and heads to the fountain.

"Alright go buy your something and could you buy me a shake on your way back the ice cream is not enough to satisfy my stomach" Oliver yelled.

"No problem" He replied and heads to the fountain.

"Sir Oliver I need to use the restroom like right now," Christopher said.

"Alright let's go find a restroom. Buck and TK will be fine anyway their adults" Oliver said.


Buck and Tk are getting close to the finish line.

when buck ran over a rock causing him to lose balance and fall to TK.

"Ow..."Tk said.

"Tk are you alright I'm so sorry" buck replied.

"Ha ha ha hahaha" Tk started laughing

"Why are you? ahahahahah" Buck wants to ask a question but TK's laugh causes him to laugh as well.

"I haven't had this much fun in a very long time," Tk said.

"Me too" Buck replied.

The laughing had stopped but Buck is still on top of TK face to face. The time seems to slow down as buck look into TK's eyes. His heart beating faster and faster. Tk felt the other firefighter's heart beating in his chest.

Buck just followed his instinct and kiss TK on the lips. Tk felt his lips smack again his he didn't expect that to happen but he didn't stop buck. For some reason, he misses the feeling of being kiss by someone.

Suddenly the ground started to shake.

"Do you feel that?" Tk ask.

"I'm so sorry TK I shouldn't have kissed you I'm an idiot," Buck said as he stands up.

"Wait buck," Tk said and the ground started shaking much stronger.

The tree was about to collapse to him but TK pushes him. TK's lower area got crushed by the tree.

"Tk TK!" Buck yelled as he checks TK who 9s slowly passing out.

Buck tried to lift the tree but it's too heavy. He grabs his phone and called 911


"Cap really I can't find the so-called key chain you're describing are you sure it's only sold here?" Eddie ask.

"That's what Howard said," Owen said.

"Hang on I'll call Chim" Eddie said and the ground started vibrating.

"....earthquake... Christopher" Eddie yelled and sprint back to them.

When he arrived he can't see both of them due to the others panicking and running everywhere.

"Christopher!! Oliver! Buck! Tk!" Eddie yelled.


Oliver and Christopher are in the restroom washing their hands when the ground started shaking.

"Duck cover Christopher quick!" Oliver said and they covered underneath the washing area.

A tree drop on the door blocking the entrance/exit and the window is too small to pass through.

Eddie keeps looking until he found buck trying to push the tree.

"Buck!" Eddie yelled as he sprints towards him.

"Eddie great to see you I need your help. Tk passes out and his legs are being crushed by this tree" Buck said as he keeps trying to push it.

"Alright on a count of 3  1.... 2..... 3" Eddie and buck lifted the tree and buck pulled TK. 

Eddie examined TK and notice that his left leg is bleeding.

Buck carried TK.

"Where are Oliver and Christopher?" Buck ask

"I don't know I left them just a few minutes ago and when I returned they are gone" Eddie replied.

"We need to bring TK to the hospital right now," Buck said.

The firefighter arrived.

"Tk!" Owen said as he hurried to check him.

"Cap I'm so sorry," Buck said.

"Buck It's not your fault, come on let's bring him to the hospital people," Owen said.

"My son I can't find my son and Oliver," Eddie said to Owen.

"We will find them Eddie calm down," He said.

"Eddie relax my brother is tough I'm sure he and Christopher are safe," Buck said.

"Here put your gear on if your planning on helping out" Owen gave them their gear.

"Oliver, Christopher we're coming," Buck said as he puts on his uniform.

Hey guys sorry I haven't updated this fic in a while. Hope you like it. By the way, I already posted two new fan fiction of Destiel and Stony. If you like you can check them out along with my other stories. It will really help me to write more even if I'm not good at it. 😁

What if we alter? (Buck x Tk Fanfiction) [COMPLETE]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu