"Naruto, that's ok. At least look at the bright side. Your plan is working as you needed."

"Yeah Kurama. Its just I feel lonely. Its as if I falling into the darkness again."

As I left the apartment I heard that Sasuke was released from the hospital.

Suddenly I saw small children playing with dolls. I looked at them in keen interest. They seem to consider the lifeless one to be full of life. Immediately, I quickly put up a henge, went into a store and bought some supplies.

"Umm kit, what are you planning to do?"

"Just wait and watch."

After I sealed the supplies in a sealing scroll, I took off my hitai ate and a kunai. I then drew a straight line across it. With this I symbolised that I completely cut iff the ties with Konoha.

I went to the Valley of the End sat down and started making dolls.

2 days later

Tsunade's PoV


But I was forced to do so after the civilian council outvoted the shinobi council. I appointed Kakashi as the team leader of Team 10, team 7 and Shino.

"Your mission is to retrieve Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze. This is supposed to be a C rank escort mission if he comes without any resistance. But there is a high chance that he might resist. If it is so then it will be an A rank mission. Now go go Go." I announced.

Kakashi's PoV

I quickly set out along with my team. I ordered Shino to spread out his bugs to search for Naruto.

Soon the bugs came back. When he was communicating with the bugs, his expressions slowly changed.

"What happened, Shino?" I asked.

"Naruto is fighting against someone whom the bugs don't recognise. We have to go immediately or else...."

"WHAT? NARUTO UNDER ATTACK." Sasuke shouted.

We soon reached the Valley of end. But we never expected to see a shocking sight.

My eyes widened and my whole body felt lifeless. Naruto.........was...........dead.

No No No no no it can't be.

Immediately a flashback started appearing before my eyes. Father, Rin, Obito, Minato and Kushina. All died in front of me. And now my dearest student was lying before the feet of Akatsuki members aka a strange man wearing a mask like the other orange masked member, except that it was black. His hair was long and blonde. Beside him stood Itachi and Kisame. The man had a sharigan.

"WHO THE HELL ARE YOU? WHY DID YOU KILL NARUTO?" I shouted getting my Chidori ready.

He said in a deep voice. " My name is Silent Blonde. And I killed Naruto to get his crystal style powers and the Kyuubi."

Immediately I rushed to the silent blonde but Itachi caught me by my hand. I looked into his eyes by mistake and saw it spinning in its full glory.

Before he put me in tsukuyomi, he said "Kakashi, I promised Naruto that I will die in your and Sasuke's hand but the time is not yet right. Go and train Sasuke. And I will take Naruto's body. And one more thing...... Sorry."

With that he put me under tsukuyomi and stabbed me for full three days. But it was only a moment in the real world. After the three days in tsukuyomi, I was finally pulled out of it and everything became black.

Sasuke's  PoV

Looking at the death body of Naruto and unconscious sensei made me feel empty. It was the horrible thing I witnessed in my life. First my clan and now this.

Suddenly my eyes pained and I discovered that I got Mangekyou Sharingan due to excessive emotions.

I became angry and shouted "CHIDORI" and rushed to him angrily only to be caughtby Itachi by my hand and meet the same fate as Kakashi except I saw the death of Naruto in the hands of silent blonde.

I screamed and was knocked out.

Silent Blonde's PoV

Sighing, I took Naruto's body in my hands after everyone was knocked out. I looked at Itachi and nodded. He then disappeared in  a flock of crows. While I walked away from the konoha12.

I soon reached the rendezvous point and laid Naruto's body and sighed again.

"Its not good for you to sigh again and again. You know?"

"Yes I know Kurama."

"Well You can open the mask now as I don't feel anyone around us..... Silent blonde or should I say Naruto"
A/N Explanations are coming soon on the next chapter. How did you feel about the chapter. Please let me know 😊

And as always

Peace out.

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