Chapter 11

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Naruto's PoV

After the tearful funeral, Jiraiya asked me if I was interested in accompanying him to search for the new hokage. I immediately agreed because I wanted to get out of Konoha for sometime after the death of jiji. Also, he promised me that he will help me power up some of the jutsus. Yup, he literally bribed me.

Soon we were at the gates of Konoha. Izumo and Kotetsu were fighting over a jar of honey. They were so engrossed in the jar that they didn't even notice that we were waiting for them to check out from Konoha. At one time I lost my patience that I had to shout right into their ears.
They immediately stopped fighting and took our documents sheepishly. But the moment we left, they again started fighting.
I sighed and said "Baka"
"Yup, anyways this will be a great journey."
"I hope so. Ero Sanin. I hope so."
Little did we know that this journey will play a significant role in my life.

Kakashi's Pov

Just before Naruto left, Jiraya Sama informed me that the akatsuki have started hunting tailed beasts. I immediately set off to check out a dango shop, their last reported location. I saw that they were still there. One of them was Itachi and other was Kisame Hoshigaki. Deciding to wait for the right moment I stood outside the shop and took out my book and started reading it. Soon Kurenai and Asuma came.
"Ah, so you seem to be dating." I said in a lazy voice. Their reactions were priceless as they looked each other and looked away blushing.
"Idiot" Kurenai said "What are you doing here?"
"I just came here to buy something to put on Obito's grave. Besides I am meeting somebody here. I am just waiting for Sasuke to come here."
Soon, Sasuke came and met me.
"Kakashi, its unusual to come here so early without Naruto threatening you."
"Well sometimes, I do."
When he looked inside the shop, the akatsuki already disappeared leaving the money on the table. Sending Sasuke away, I said "They got under our noses. Kurenai and Asuma, come with me, we have to find them before they do something wrong."
30 minutes later
Soon we found them. They were wearing straw hats and their usual cloaks. Itachi removed his hat and threw it away and he opened two buttons of his cloaks with one of his hand inside it and kept his hand on third button lazily.
"What do we have here? Itachi. Itachi Uchiha of Sharingan." I said "Have you come here to take Naruto? Or is there something else?''
"Yes, we have come to take Naruto but not for his bijju but for something else."
"For what?" I asked getting worried.
"I cannot reveal it to you, O Kakashi of the sharingan."
"Since its the akatsuki, I conclude that its not of the best intentions. KURENAI ATTACK HIM."
She immediately became a tree and captured Itachi who didn't do anything. But she saw his eye by mistake and the next moment she found herself in place of Itachi. She was unconscious with a little blood flowing out of her mouth. She soon regained her consciousness and disabled her genjutsu.
Meanwhile I was fighting against Itachi. His speed was incredible.
He said "Despite not being a Uchiha, you have Fully mastered the sharingan but let me show you what a true heir can do."
" CLOSE YOUR EYES AND DON'T LOOK AT THE SHARINGAN! It seems that I have to do it alone." I said.
But suddenly I was captured in the tsukuyomi and found myself tied to a cross and torutured by Itachi using a katana for many days. After the tsukuyomi ended, I found myself in the real world and I collapsed on the water.
Asuma's PoV
"WHAT HAPPENED? YOU WERE TALKING ONE MOMENT AND HIT THE GROUND NEXT."I asked, while closing my eyes, genuinely concerned.
But no answer only a different familiar shouting voice. It was Might Guy. "Thanks Kami" I thought.
We opened our eyes after he explained that we can fight by watching his feet.
But they were forced to retreat. "Maybe they were afraid of green colour" I mused.

We then carried Kakashi to the hospital where he was crying in pain. This was serious. We have to wait for Lady Tsunade to come so that she can treat Kakashi.

Naruto's PoV

We got into a town to rest. There we found an inn where we can rest. It was really nice to say the least. I was asked by Jiraiya to wait for him as he would come soon after he completed his reasearch. My eyes twitched. But I said nothing because if my calculations are correct, something big, really big will happen today where I don't want Jiraiya to interfere. So I let him go without any protest. He was quite surprised but he composed himself. I then went to the bed waiting for someone special to come.

Sasuke's PoV

I was just into the hospital to check Kakashi who was reported to be injured. I was shocked to see his condition. Suddenly a man came and shouted " Is it true that Itachi just came here to take the demon?"
I immediately ran from the hospital asking for directions from the ramen guy, whose name I don't know.
30 minutes later
I got to the town and started searching for him.

Naruto's PoV

Someone knocked on the door. I groaned and opened the door. A man with Sharingan and a shark man standing behind the door. My mind went blank for a moment. I gritted my teeth after I realised who they are. "Itachi Uchiha and Kisame Hoshigaki. I was just expecting you. But I am little bit surprised. Why did you knock the door when you were trying to catch a jinchchuriki." (A/N: I will write the text which you found in summary after some chapters in form of flashbacks. I am saying this because
I don't want you to think that I clickbaited you. After all I hate being clickbaitted too. Anyways enjoy.)

Jiraiya's PoV
I rushed to Naruto. And saw three man, wearing akatsuki cloaks, besides Sasuke and Naruto in the apartment. Two of them were identified as Itachi and Kisame Hoshigaki. The third one had a blond hair just like Naruto but a little longer. He was wearing a mask like the tobi guy in the akatsuki except it was black in colour.
"Who the hell are you supposed to be?" I asked.
"Call me the silent blonde." He said.
"He recently joined the akatsuki. He is a great addition to our organization as he has wind and fire style." Itachi introduced him to me.
"Why are you here? For Naruto?"
"Yes, we need his kyubbi to complete our ambition of world domination." Itachi replied
"Well you have to get pass through me."

But before we could even fight, they all retreated. Not even 5 minutes passed after their retreat when Might Guy kicked me mistaking me for the akatsuki. I gave Sasuke under his care.

"Tell me what they wanted from you?" I asked.
"My kyubbi."

After somedays we returned to our village with Tsunade. We had to fight against Orochimaru who retreated after getting defeated in Naruto's hand who went into 4 tails cloak mode.

Naruto's PoV

Granny Tsunade ascended the throne of Hokage 2 days after we returned to the village. She held a meeting with the Konoha 11.

"As according to Sandaime Hokage's last wishes I promote Shikamaru Nara to chunin and Naruto, you were supposed to a chunin but the shinobi council which has power to promote someone as according to their choice has decided to vote you in the favour of direct promotion to jonin as a thank you for saving our village even though the civilian council was against the decision but were unable to interfere as they do not have power on some matters which only shinobi council have powers." She handed me the jonin outfit and chunin outfit to Shikamaru.

"So, you have three choices, Naruto.
1. Join the anbu.
2. Lead a team of three.
3. Be a loner and perform solo missions.
So what would it be,Naruto?"
"Even Kakashi sensei has taught us teamwork, I don't like to work in team because I am afraid of losing a memeber, so I will choose the third one ie to remain solo."

" Are you serious Naruto?" Kakashi asked.
"Yes sensei, I am serious. Forgive me for not following your commands of teamwork. But I have no choice, sensei. Sorry''
"That's ok, Naruto. But I was thinking..... Ah just leave it."

Meanwhile, I could feel a lot of jealousy coming from the so called Uchiha heir who is back on his feet.
"It won't be long when the day comes." I sighed.
Indeed the day was coming faster and faster.

A/N I just got 200 readers. Thank you very much my dear readers. I hope that you will love this book. And I have noticed that I have a unsatisfactory amount of votes. I will be glad if you vote this story.

Peace out.

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