Chapter 2

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I woke up and started having my breakfast. Yeah yeah I know Kakashi sensei has asked us not to eat anything but after all who would prefer to run while on an empty stomach?

Soon, I found myself in the training ground to see Kakashi sensei already there. It seems that my threat worked on him. I smirked.(A/N=In this Naruto is quite cold just Sasuke in canon)

Kakashi's POV

I looked at Naruto who was smirking. I got a chill across my spine when I remembered that threat. Nothing afraids me than being threatened to rip open my mask.

"Well it seems that my threat worked" said Naruto coldly.

I ignored that remark and said, "Alright, get ready for the bell test."
I explained the rules(A/N: Well the author sama is really lazy. 😉)

Naruto's POV
"Hmm interesting rules" I thought.
"Damn right kit" Kurama said "Did you get the answer for this practice?"
"Yup, its Teamwork. But as you know, I like working in solo."
"Well, its your choice kit. I know you can take the bells easily."
As everyone else except went into hiding, I kept glaring at Kakashi.
"Umm, do you know what you are doing, blondie?" Kakashi asked.
I didn't answer. Instead I rushed to him with my red handled katana which he blocked with his kunai.(A/N Yup, I know that naruto does not know how to wield a katana but I really want to see him holding one).
He then suddenly came behind me with his book and punched me on my butt shouting "A Thousand years of death!"
But I poofed away to reveal that I was actually a shadow clone. When he remained there trying to find out what the hell happened, the real me quickly got behind him, took the two bells and casted a genjutsu to make him think that the bells are still there.

I then pretended to fight against him along with Sakura and Sasuke until only 5 minutes was left. Thats when I took out the bells and said "Hey I have already got the bells. Dattebayo!"
He said "But I still have them."
I smirked, took out my hand to release the genjutsu and shouted"KAI"
Immediately the bells disappeared revealing genjutsu.

He asked"So whom are you going to hand the bells?"
I threw both the bells to Sakura and Sasuke who were shocked and said"No problem I will pass the next year."

"You all PASS". He said giving us an eye-smile."My late friend used to say "Those who break the rules are trash but those who abandon there comrades are worse than scum. Always remember that."
"Hai! Kakashi sensei."

Crystal In The Light.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora