Discovering The Truth

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Upon returning to my apartment, I retrieved the ring from the table and slipped it onto my finger. Mimicking my girlfriend's motion, I snapped my finger, instantly transporting myself to a previously unknown location - quite possibly another universe altogether. Before me stood an enormous hall, complete with an imposing metal door. As I approached, the sound of familiar banter reached my ears, distinctly my girlfriend's voice among them. Upon opening the door, I found myself among a group of four individuals, including her, her expression a bewildered mixture of shock and surprise.Aria inquires if it was not yet the expected time for your arrival.Can you clarify what you are referring to? Additionally, could you provide more information about the individuals you mentioned?Aria expressed that it was premature to require your presence and mentioned the current number of switchers, which amounts to five including yourself.What do you require me for, Deliv?Aria informs you that you are the offspring of the very first switcher to exist. Your name, "Deliv," is a blend of "dead" and "alive," which reflects the original switcher's power to manipulate life and death. Therefore, your name was not chosen randomly, and your existence was intentionally designed since your birth. Even the death of your family was orchestrated to drive you to the brink of suicide so that you could be where you are now.Deliv expressed disbelief and requested clarification from Aria, saying, "I cannot fathom that you could have committed such a terrible act. Can you please confirm if this is just a joke or a figment of my imagination? I implore you."Aria expressed regrets to Deliv, acknowledging that her presence was solely to provide protection and nurture until the present moment.Let me rephrase that intelligently: According to what you're saying, you callously murdered my family and took away everything from me. You committed the crime without any remorse.Aria insinuated that you were living in a delusion and lacked real substance despite your former perception of yourself.Who is Deliv? I am not acquainted with this individual or entity. I intend to hold you accountable for your actions, and you will soon realize who ultimately suffers the most, you despicable individual.It's quite paradoxical how you went from adoring me to despising me and desiring my demise in just a mere few seconds, Aria.Deliv expressed indifference towards the situation and revealed that their life had been filled with deceit. They recounted how their partner had professed love while looking them in the eyes, leading Deliv to believe that they were meant for each other. However, the truth has come to light, and Deliv now realizes that all the beautiful moments they shared were nothing but falsehoods. I refuse to tolerate such behavior and rest assured, I will ensure that you face consequences for your actions.Aria believes that a person who is overly confident and unrealistic in their thinking is unlikely to achieve anything.Deliv wants to witness the abilities of this mentally unstable individual, and I am determined to take action against you.Aria instructed the other switcher to apprehend me, but as they approached me, I swiftly snapped my fingers and returned to the realm of the living.

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