My Girlfriend's Biggest Secret

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Maybe i just needed to bury those memories i had before deep inside my mind and never let them out again, it's better for me and her, I Just hope that the man she's with is treating her well.
i passed by a small restaurant i used to take aria to, when I was going home, nothing had changed, the restaurant still has it's own charm, red seats with big tables the walls were painted red.
I entered the restaurant and took a seat, was i hungry or i just wanted to bring back those memories since they are the only thing that still connects me with her, i loved her insecurities, she always thought that her smile was weird and ugly but i didn't, she hated the birth mark on her face but i loved it, it made her cuteness go up the roof.
I never done something special to her i don't even know why she fall in love with me, i don't deserve her not even a little.
as I'm drinking my coffee, a woman entered the restaurant, she had the same black hair aria had, the same birth mark, how? Is this just a coincidence? It can't be it's too perfect to be just a coincidence.
I looked at her, and she looked at me back, but she gave me a look just as if she knew me. Maybe she remembered me when she ran into me this morning.
I couldn't take my eyes off her while she was looking for a table to sit on, the only table that was empty was the table in front of me.
She sat down on the table and for sure noticed that i have been looking at her, she was avoiding making eye contact with, maybe I'm making her uncomfortable so I will stop.
I continued drinking my coffee and trying to not look at her, she kept checking her watch and she was a little bit nervous maybe she was expecting someone her boyfriend i think.
It's been an hour and it's getting too dark.
Her phone suddenly rung and she picked up, it was obvious from the tone of her voice that she was mad she yelled at the caller where are you?! This is the second time you have done this to me?! I'm sick of your excuses! If you weren't coming why didn't you tell me?
The caller hung up on her face, she stood up angry and got out of the restaurant and i followed her, i couldn't stop myself it's too late i need to be sure that she will get to her house safely.
I followed her but I kept a distance between us so that she won't notice me.
She entered a dark alley and looked behind her, she was checking if someone is watching her but why?
When she was sure that no one is watching her, she took her bag and opened it, she took something from the bag that left me in a complete shock, the same ring i had, she put on the ring and snapped her finger and disappeared.
How? What's going on? I need answers right now.

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