No Longer Human

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I go by the name Deliv and unfortunately, I have experienced the loss of everything and everyone dear to me - my father, mother, and two sisters. Their absence has left me feeling as though I have lost my sense of humanity. In my current state, death seems like an appealing option as it would relieve me of any emotional or societal burdens. Having attempted to live, I am now curious about what it would feel like to be dead.
Extracts a razor blade from within a book.
I am having doubts about my earlier statement. Did I express my desire to experience death, or is it the small remaining part of me that wishes to continue living?
Although some individuals may live longer, the ultimate destiny we all share is death, which may lead us to question the true value of accomplishments attained during our lifetime. While our mind may deceive us into believing we have achieved something, this is merely an illusion to provide us with satisfaction. Nevertheless, regardless of the extent of our achievements, we will all inevitably face the same fate.
As I was on the verge of accidentally injuring myself, I received a phone call from my girlfriend Aria and quickly answered.

Hello, I wanted to inquire about your well-being. How are you doing?

Deliv: I'm on the brink of taking my own life.

Aria expresses her discontent with the proposed solution, acknowledging that her partner's behavior has been erratic since the accident. Despite her reluctance to leave them alone, she feels consistently rejected and simply wishes to offer her support during this difficult time.

I intend to demonstrate my affection for you through Deliv, as my continued survival may attract unwanted attention and cause you distress due to the negative feelings others hold towards me.

Aria assured the person that their presence is not a concern, but rather the rejection of one's existence raises worries. Thus, Aria requested the individual to cease negative thoughts and permit Aria to join and remain with them.

Felix firmly declares that he has made his decision and bids farewell to his beloved with strong affection, expressing his unwavering love and hoping for a reunion in the afterlife.

Aria uttered a sound of surprise or confusion, as evidenced by the utterance "wai...."

I abruptly terminated the call.
I must confess that I truly love her, and it's not something I ever doubted. She possesses all the qualities that any man would desire in a woman, and we have been best friends since we were children.
I am repeatedly disturbed by an incessant ringing of the phone, yet all that registers in my mind are suicidal thoughts, compelling me to seek eternal rest. Although these thoughts are often unbearable, I wish I could silence them with a switch or button. For three straight days, sleep eludes me not because I choose to stay awake, but because it remains beyond my grasp.
Now is the opportune moment, as it is the middle of the night, for me to pass away.
As he cut his hand with the blade, he began to hum a tune that his mother had once sung to him in his childhood.
Although I experienced discomfort initially, it ultimately was negligible. As the blood trickled out, the sensation of warmth instantly granted me a sense of calmness and tranquility. I found solace in the realization that I could finally rest, knowing it would be eternal. My eyelids gradually grew heavier, and I drifted off into an eternal slumber.

THE SWITCHER Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora