19. Catch her when she falls

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Miliano POV

I don't know what to do when I see her run away; she looks terrified. Why is she scared of us? My beautiful mate shouldn't feel fear, just a happy smile, nothing else. We shift in seconds and run after her. I laugh on the inside when she kicks Kian on his big ugly snout; that's my girl!

When she settle down with us in her lap, I feel content. Aleida's smiling and laughing; she even scold her brothers for talking when she can't hear what they're saying. She looks so peaceful when she's leaning on that tree that we don't dare to move.

Hell, I don't want to move. Aleida rubs behind my ear in the most perfect spot, and I love it! We all understand that she isn't ready to talk to us yet and that she has a lot to think about; that's why we don't shift back; we just let her be. But when her eyes fog, we instantly know that someone's mind linking her.

No one of us can do that with her because she doesn't belong to our packs or are marked by us, which means that someone from her old pack is talking to her; she answers out loud and looks terrified. She begins sprinting away suddenly, and we all follow her.

She makes sure that every one of us is inside before she runs around and locks everything she can lock. She even close one of the cabinets... Yeah, don't judge her! She's afraid. Not long after that, I kick the door open, and Kian drags her out from under the bed.

She's a mess, and it breaks my heart to look at her. Aleida's devastated when she tells us that her alpha wants her back, and something inside me snaps.

"He's not your alpha, Aleida; an alpha doesn't treat his pack the way they treat you," I tell her, and take her from Kian, and he glares at me; I glare back at him and just hug her close.

"I can't just ignore my alpha."

"He's not your alpha!" Kian exclaims angrily.

"But, but he is..." Aleida answers quietly.

"No, he ain't," Nathan says.

Kian POV

Nathan, Jason, Killian, and Henry have been quiet this whole time. I didn't know that her brother was Nathan; he's one of the most powerful alphas in the area. We have no blood between us, but we're not allies either.

"You're an alpha yourself, Aleida, no one, and I mean no one is your alpha, because they can't be. Not even one of the three other alphas in this room. You are your own person," Jason says, squatting down to her eye level.

I didn't know she was an alpha; why didn't she say anything?

She won't believe it herself. I already tried. She has the power of all other alphas, but she won't accept it. We noticed this when she was at the hospital, and that force took over her body. The power made her use it even though she didn't want to do it.

Miliano explains through our mindlink. We don't belong to the same pack, but we're family; that's how we can talk to each other.

"Everything is going to be alright, baby girl," Miliano says softly and kisses her forehead.

I growl by instinct. The sound make her look at me with her big blue eyes.

"Are you jealous, alpha?" she asks softly and smiles playfully at me.

Everyone begins laughing at me, and I glare at them. Aleida stands from the floor and kisses my cheek. That gesture makes Miliano growl.

"Oh, come on, stop it! Behave like men and not boys," she exclaims, annoyed before walking out the door, mumbling profanities under her breath.

Big girls don't cry (Aleida series #1)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن