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Scout heard the alarm going off and she grumbled, and she hit the snooze button and rolls back over to fall back asleep. It blared out once again with a musical cover of 'Stand' by Rascal Flatts that she was singing, and she groaned as she smacked the button again.

"If that goes off one more time, I promise that I will buy you a new phone." Asher's rather sleepy voice was heard, and Scout leaned her head against the crook of his arm and she was almost asleep again already. The ringtone rang out and they both were groaning in annoyance as Scout sat up and shut off her alarms.

"I can't ignore it anymore. You know that Dad enrolled you back into West Valley again, right?" Scout confirmed, and Asher's eyes shot open again.

"Ugh. I'm too fucking old for high school." He mumbled and she looked over at him, with a raised eyebrow at his disbelieving tone.

"You are barely 18." She pointed out and he sighed at her words, and she'd throw him a shirt and pants. "Hurry up and come on. I walked into there on my own last time, and I almost got myself inducted into the West Valley High Insanity Club. Because of the shit that the teachers and kids were pullin' on me. Robby guilted me into going back and Dad signed you up. So get up and get dressed." She said and he rolls his eyes.

"Fine." Asher mumbled and rolled onto his side, so that he was facing away from her this time, as she got ready and changed for school.

"What's wrong? You've seen me half-naked before." Scout pointed out and even without looking over at her, Asher knew that there was a smirk on her face.

"You know why. I'm trying to be a gentleman here." He said and she was unable to stop herself from laughing a bit at his words. She borrowed a small tank top and Asher throws a belt over his shoulder.

"You're hilarious, Ash. I mean like really hilarious. But, what the hell is your history with Tory?" Scout asked and buckled up the belt into the jeans,  and he sighed. "I'm decent." She offers as an olive branch.

Asher stood up and walked over to the duffel bag that was his and he was rifling through it and he caught a shirt and pants, while Scout sighed a little at him. "You don't have to tell me, but I would like to know." She said and he looks over his shoulder at her. "Ash?"

He shakes his head and pulled on the shirt quickly, as he looked around for an old backpack, that must have been red once. "It was a mistake, Scout. The one mistake that I swore never to be a guy, and make again." He said and she walked over and hugged him. Asher's chin rests on top of her head, and she hugged him.

"You ready for school?" She asked him, and he scoffed at her words and picked up his jacket.

"Fuck no." He said and she laughed a bit, as they both walked out of the tiny apartment and walked downstairs, to the motorcycle. "Hang on." He said, as she chuckled, and wrapped her arms around him.

They arrived at West Valley and everyone looked shocked to see that there was Scout LaRusso, arriving in style on the back of a motorcycle.

"Hell no." Scout saw Miguel at once with the Cobra Kai students and they both walked right past them, as Scout was already aware of the stares.

"Is that a Serpent?"

"No, that's him!"

"That's their king? But... he's nothing except, skin and bones."

The whispers were starting to circulate and Scout nudged Asher gently in the ribs, who said nothing and just walked after her.

The loudspeaker crackled and now Tory, she was calling out Sam on the loudspeaker. "Shit." Scout said, as she bolted after Robby at once, with Asher only a step or two behind her.

The two girls were walking slowly in a circle, with Tory she was now totally looking absolutely murderous toward Sam.

Sam and Tory were brawling it out and it seemed like everybody was all fighting now, as Scout and Asher were each surrounded by shit-ton of Cobra Kai students.

"Take out Stingray!" Scout shouted at Asher, who was looking over to where the adult was kickin' the shit out of all the smaller Miyagi-Do kids.

"I hate bullies!" Asher snapped and he'd kick off the nearest locker and he jumped over the smallest of his circles of Cobra Kai attackers and he took out Stingray with a hard sidekick directly to the face.

"Oooh!" He heard the crowd saying around him, but he bolted off quickly after hearing Scout yelling for Sam, to get away.

Scout was attempting to keep Tory away from Sam, but it was not exactly going too well, as she was bleedin' out of her stomach and there was a spikey wound across her face as well. "Tory!"

Tory looked up at Asher's voice and he caught the bracelet in his hand, as he felt the spikes digging hard into it.

"You're not mad at them." He said as she roared and she punched with her other hand hard, and he let the punch connect, but he didn't let go of her fist with the bracelet. "Go ahead." He said and when she roared again, Sam and Scout kicked her into the railing.

Tory cried out, as Asher released her fist and there was blood, and a lot of it dripping from his left hand now. "You two okay?" He asked and none of the trio, none of them noticed that Tory's eyes had opened again.

"Yeah, we are... sort of." Scout murmured and she wiped blood off of her face. "Look out!" Her shout was too late, and Asher felt the sting of the bracelet, and he roared at the sudden pain in his ribs as Tory had ripped the bracelet into his stomach.

Scout and Asher, they were both shocked into silence, at the fall that Miguel had taken.

Scout was holding onto her ribs and Asher was doing the same to his, and Sam was holding her arm.

They were all at the hospital and Scout was wincing at the stitches in her ribs and on her face, and Asher, he was limping over to her, despite a clear doctor's order, to not move at all.

Scout winced and he sat down next to her, and she grunted a little, as he was movin' his arm around her. "Your ribs okay?" He asked and she looks at him.

"Will you answer that question honestly, if I do?" She asked and he sighed, dropping his head slightly in a bit of defeat. "Nice kick on Stingray. At that moment, they cheered." She said and he looked at her with a small sigh at her words.

"It doesn't matter. You got hurt, your sister got hurt... your dad probably..."

A cough came from the corner of the room, and they both looked up. It was Amanda who was standing there, and she just shakes her head. "I would like a moment with my daughter, Asher Kreese. Alone, please." She  said and Asher flinched at the mention of his last name, and Scout shakes her head.

"Mom, you can't make him leave. He makes his own decisions about all this and it wasn't his fault!" She said as her voice was breaking, despite her trying to keep her cool.

"It doesn't matter, not anymore. To me or to your dad, there is to be, no more karate." Amanda stated and the two teenagers looked at each other, in a shocked manner, and she looks over at them. "And, Mr. Kreese, will have to find somewhere else to stay." Scout's eyes widened.

"Mom!" She begged and Amanda shakes her head at her daughter's pleas and Scout felt like she was in the fight with Tory all over again as Asher stood up.

"I'll go. I won't come between your family." He said and winced, as he just managed to shrug a shoulder into his jacket. "You know exactly where to be finding me, if you need anything." He said quietly and Scout winced at the pain in her face, that was caused by a tear hitting her wounded face.

"We've got matching scars now." She said quietly and Asher nodded a little bit, as he walked out of the room and she looked at her mom with a look, so full of pain, that Amanda was the first to look away.

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