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Scout woke up when her alarm went off, and next to her, Robby woke up as he grumbles at the songs coming from her alarm. "Just five more minutes-" A chuckle came from Scout, who moved out of the hug and begins doing all of her homework to do her first day of a online school.

Robby eventually dragged himself off of the air mattress, and he looks at the homework over her shoulder.

"Are you seriously right now, doing Grade 12 AP Chemistry?" He asks and she shushed him, as it was 5am and at least for now the house was silent and all three of the other LaRusso family member were asleep. "Sorry." He said more quietly, and she shakes her head at him.

"I get it. Your mom and the guy are usually gone by now, so you can just do whatever. Am I right?" She asked gently and he swallowed, but nods a bit. "I'm sorry." She said, and shut the laptop, and hugged him.

Robby leaned into the hug and she put her head on his shoulder. "Sorry again for waking you." She mumbled and he chuckled a little bit.

A message beeped on her computer and Scout raised her eyebrows at it, as she looked very clearly confused. "It can't be Demetri or Eli- neither of the two, they never get up this early." She said and clicked on the notification.

A photoshopped picture of her with the symbol, that had become the main symbol of the LaRusso family were all shoved into her mouth.

Robby shut the picture at once, but every picture he shut, three more all opened on the laptop, until an nearly endless horde of pictures upon other pictures of Scout with dicks shoved in mouth, were circulating her phone.

Scout really, really looked like she was trying not to cry now, as she shut the laptop, but the beeping continued and it was coming around now, from all of her many devices. "I am going to kill Kyler." She said coldly and stands up, going towards her closet quickly.

"Hey, who is Hawk?" Robby asked as he spotted a message on her laptop, as she swiftly pulled on an overly large hoodie over the ratty old t-shirt.

"I don't know anyone named... oh jeez, seriously?" Scout asked sharply as she clicked on the message and was dumbfounded by the picture.

It was Eli at a tattoo shop, getting a huge Hawk tattoo on his back with a blue mohawk on the top of it, just to match his new blue mohawk.

Scout looked like she was ready to punch the screen and she growled a little bit. "Your father owns and runs Cobra Kai, right?" She asked coldly as he looked at her, and nods. "This is his influence. Eli above all, he wants to be accepted." She said and she shakes her head and shuts the computer as quietly as she could.

"Where are you going?" Robby asked and Scout shrugged a bit, and she was stretching her back.

"I'm going for a run. You can stick around for awhile, have a couple of things of food before you get back to work." Scout said with a grin, and she walked down the stairs and pulled out a couple of keys and headphones, and she jogged out of the door, pinning a small and quickly written note to the fridge, just in case her parents woke up before she came back.

She ended up going into the dojo and practicing some karate and she used a lot of pent-up rage and pain to make her attacks more powerful as she beat up the air around her quickly.

She didn't notice that people were watching her from the doorway and she continued beating up the air all around her, even using some moves that weren't Miyagi-Do.

She stopped and pulled out her headphones and turned around to look at the door, where Robby was standing, clapping lightly.

"If my parents see you outside, they might get concerned." She said, as she wiped her forehead and he looked at her.

"Can you teach me?" He asked of her quickly, which seemed to surprise her and Scout scoffed.

"That was only the offensive and defensive versions of Miyagi-Do that you saw. The real deal, is the way that you use it. As my dad would say, the real goal of karate is balance in your life, your negative emotions and your positive. You know what I mean?" She asked and he nodded quickly. "That, I can't teach you. Because, as you've no doubt seen, I haven't been exactly the epitome, the poster child of balance."

Robby laughed a little bit and she wiped her forehead once again, as her Fitbit beeped. She took a peek at the amount of steps and shakes her head at the number.

She grabbed her phone and the dick pics immediately, they all started and they were appearing on her screen, as she swiped them all away.

She opened another message from Hawk and it was about Cobra Kai and how great it was, and she just shook her head at him raving about it.

"I have got the opening shift today in an hour. You want a ride?" She asked and Robby smirked, as he follows her out of the dojo. She shut the doors on the dojo once they were both out and she hands him her car keys. "Don't go driving without me. I will be out in 8."

Robby nodded and walked to the car quickly, and, Scout walked quickly in the opposite direction.

She came back out in her LaRusso uniform and opened the driver's seat doorway. "Move over please." She said and he made puppy-dog eyes at her as she sighed and hands him the keys, all against her better judgment. "Fine but don't make me regret it." She said and he smiled, hugging her with one of his arms, as she got in the passenger side.

"Let's go." She complained after she had buckled herself into the seat, and he drove off laughing at her impatient attitude. "I don't want to be late, you pain in the ass, idiot." She complained to him and neither of them notices the group of Cobra Kai students that were in the bushes, who were all being led by Eli-Hawk and Miguel.

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