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After Scout had found out that her dad had kicked Robby out of karate with Miyagi-Do, she decided to take herself out of it as well.

She knocked on Asher's door and he opened it, looking concerned at once at her facial expression. "Can I, uh? I mean..." He opened the door wider at her words, and she walks past him in and tossed her bag onto the couch.

"So, I guess that you decided to do it. I mean that you are indeed, going to be enterin' yourself into the All Valley Under-18 then." Asher said the next morning, and Scout quickly, she tied up her hair into a ponytail.

"Yeah, I am. I owe it to Robby and to everyone else that I've ever helped or hurt. He got kicked out because of his father's name." She murmured and he looked at her, his eyes worried all of a sudden. "Hey, I'm okay." She said as he looks real worried and she hugs him.

"I'll be there. The Serpents are working the tournament, in exchange for food and drinks. I have the first shift outside, acting as security. But as soon as I can, I'll take a break and I'll watch your fights." Asher promised as she smiled a little.

"Thanks... but steer clear of my old man, okay? He got you arrested that night, I swear that it wasn't me. Your Serpents know that... right?" She asks and Asher stared at her, his eyes were slightly worried.

"You let me handle all my Serpents about this crap-load of shit, all right? I have your back, and they know better then to cross me." He said, as she was nodding slightly.

"All right, Ash. Thank you." She murmured and she clapped him on the shoulder, before she slung her back on over her shoulder as well. "I got the car. Come on." She said and he grinned at her, as they walked out of the separate apartment, that Ash had gotten or rather inherited, from his mom after she OD'd when he was 14.

"From Granada Hills, All-Star Karate." The announcer called out to the crowds in the arena.

"Extreme Star Karate!"

"Fighting out of Topanga, we have Topanga Karate!"

"From Reseda, returning to the tournament, we have--"

The sound of chanting, it cut the announcer off. The Cobras of Cobra Kai were chanting their asses off and Scout was in the back quietly.

"And finally. One of these two people is surprisingly fighting unaffiliated this year... from North Hills, we have Miss Scout LaRusso and Mr Robby Keene." They both jogged out of the back and Scout was ignoring her dad, who was sitting in the front row like they always used to together.

Scout had managed to get Aisha knocked out of the tournament, along with a much smaller kid from Cobra Kai, who was named Bert and she was in the semifinals against Hawk.

"Last chance to back out." Hawk said and Scout shakes her head at him and she spots the Serpents ringing around the gym, watching.

It was tied two points to two and unfortunately for them, they were going into sudden death. "You're an asshole. You became what you hated the most." Scout whispered and her eyes burned.

Hawk charged and the judges would only stop it if they saw a point and in a matter of moments, Hawk had been able to score a lucky shot onto Scout's kneecap, causing her to collapse hard.

Everybody was roaring in fury at their situation, as Scout winced and was helped up by the referees. "Can you fight?" The main one asked and Scout's eyes went to her knee, and she looked at the way it was bent out of shape, a dislocation most likely.

"Scout!" She heard her father calling her name and she winced, and she is clearly in pain. "You only need point, it is one point." He said and she looks at him, then at the referee. She nods.

"I can fight." She said firmly and when the referee announced it, all the audience members erupted into all sorts of cheers, while Hawk looked at her in disbelief.

"NO MERCY!" She heard Aisha screaming at Hawk, as she looked over at her dad, who had decided to coach her.

"Last chance." Hawk said and both of his eyes, they were glowing with their excitement and madness.

"Never surrender." She said simply and he charged towards her, and she blocked quickly, her hands and feet moving faster than she ever had to be before. She had the suspicious feeling, that the entire competition was now holding its breath.

She got flung onto the ground and then, her memories flew back in time so that she was seeing herself and her dad, trying to do the kick again. The one attack that only ever Mr. Miyagi could pull off.

Scout's brain snapped back to the present day and without any sort of hesitation, her body just moved. Her right hand was firmly planted into the mats and she pushed hard with both feet and Hawk, he flew back onto the ground with a loud cry of shock and a crash, when he landed.

"Winner!" The referees declared and they held up Scout's hand, as now it was Scout, who was the clear winner. She limped over to Hawk, holding out her hand to help him up.

"Friends?" She asked and he looked up at her, with a slight nod.

"Sure thing." He said and then, his grip tightened on her hand and she was thrown onto the ground hard. As he rolled up, his foot came crashing down onto her injured knee hard.

Scout let out a screaming cry of pain and the referees tore Hawk off of her and she was forcing tears off her face now. "Go to hell, Scout LaRusso." He'd say and she looked up to see her dad... and Asher standing over her with the blurry face, that might just have been Robby.

"Hey, we've got you." Asher said and he slung her arm over his neck. "You steady?" He murmured and she nods, as he slowly helped her hop over to a medic.

"Just splint my leg and cast it. I need to watch the finals." Scout said calmly through her teeth. Surprisingly calmly for someone who's leg was just utterly dislocated.

"I can splint it here. Just get me the supplies." Asher said to the medic, as she nodded and rushed off.

Robby did fairly well, but once Miguel's knowledge had become clear on the fact that Robby's shoulder, was messed up, Miguel ended up beating him by cheating.

Scout ended up, half-walking and half-hopping out of the arena and she hugged Robby carefully, as he was now wearing a sling over his arm.

She looked over at Asher, who was surrounded by all of his Serpents and many of them, at least 90 % of them were leaving for Cobra Kai.

She looked at Daniel, who looked between her, Asher and Robby. "Hey kid." Asher looked up at Daniel's call, and his face scrunched up in a bit of a confused look. "Need a ride?" Daniel asked and Asher looked at Scout, who nods slightly.

He walked over and shakes hands with Daniel, before looking at Robby and Scout together. "You guys fought like hell, to keep your fights fair. If it was any other dojo in the Valley, that you were goin' against... you would've won." He said and they nodded, as the group of three, with the addition of one more, they got into the car and drove off to Miyagi-Do.

Hero Or Villain {} Cobra Kai {}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon