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Spit kept landing all over Scout's clothes and her head, as she walked out of the juveniles detention center that she had been stuck in, since she was charged with assault against the eight guys that had been beating up a couple of her friends.

She finally made it out of there and ended up, meeting her dad and mom out front.

"Two years, you willing chose to spend in that place." Her mother was saying over and over, on the car rides home, as she was in the backseat, and was rubbing the scar that was under her left eye.

"I would much rather that, then my only two friends being thrown into it with me. Where's Sam?" Scout asked a bit too sharply, as her attitude was still rough from being only out of the detention center, for little over a hour around right now.

"Hanging out with her new friends this time, right as usual." Daniel said and it almost sounds like he was now grumbling a little bit about it.

"What do you mean, by her new friends, dad? What about Aisha?" She asked, leanin' forward very slightly in her seat and pullin' out her earbuds at once so at least in her mind, she could properly hear the explanation for the unusual topic of conversations, to the rather limited supplies of knowledge now, that Scout has on her twin sister.

"It is a really long story. We will explain when we get home, you just rest and you just enjoy havin' now, all of your freedom back." Daniel said, as Scout was leanin back against her seat and was smiling very, very slightly at the moment right now.

Scout got out of the car and inhaled sharply, as she walked into the house with a duffel bag slung over her arms and she was met with Anthony on his I-Pad and Sam with her face buried in her phone.

"I'm home." Scout said with a slight grunt of annoyance, when both of her siblings gave no acknowledgement, of another one of them existing.

"Guys! Say hello to your sister, will you? She was gone for two years and neither of you visited her, so come on and give her a hug or something." It was probably not the best choice of a words of advice, and Sam stood up, as she glared over at Scout.

"You better not ruin my chances with my crush at school or I'll make you be going right back to Juvie I swear!" She snapped and Scout flinches at the slap and the stinging on her right cheek.

"Samantha!" Daniel shouted at his other daughter and Scout shakes her head at Sam, who looked furious still and Scout looked back at her parents.

"I don't really want to, or even now, I don't even need to know the full story because I have seen it over a hundred times and more." She said quietly, and she walked upstairs into her old room and tossed her stuff onto her bed.

She looked at the old and dusty acoustic guitar case in the corner of the room, mounted on the wall and a brief smile flickered across her face at the sight of it.

She shuts the door gently behind her and sighed, as she opened her laptop's screen and types in her password as it flickered to life once again, as she was facing a computer screen, for the first time in two, almost three years.

She opened her YouTube channel and sighed quietly, and now she was seein' all of her YouTube videos and she was sighing again, clicking through them.

She opened a dusty, old notebook and began to flip pages quickly, ignorin' all of the dog-eared pages and she picked a page with a small and grim smile on her face now.

She pulled her guitar off of the wall and sighed quietly, blowing dust off of the case and opening it carefully, just as if it was a priceless object. Which to her, it might as well have been.

She blew the dust off of it and began to tune it, and holding her guitar-pick in her teeth and a message popped up on her computer screen.

Scout was so very shocked by the messages alert that she hadn't heard in so long, that in that moment, she nearly swallowed the guitar pick.

She spat it out and wiped her mouth quickly with her jacket sleeve, before she clicked the mouse and opened the message.

[[Hey! She's back!]]

Scout scoffed quietly at one of her only friends' rather over-enthusiastic response to her being home.

|I missed both of you. Eli, you there?|

/No, I'm not. I am totally just going to be letting Demetri take credit for all of what we put together./

|I'm confused. What exactly did you two mischievous guys put together for me?|

[[Look out your window.]]

Scout raised her eyebrows and walked quickly over to the window and found them standing outside and they were holding two birthday cakes and a bunch of food.

Scout laughed with shock and puts her guitar down onto the bed and she bolted down the stairs too quick, and a second later, yanking on a too small jacket.

She skidded to a stop and the two were laughing at the sight of the too small jacket, while her mom and dad were lighting candles, and pulling up the tables.

"What is this?" She asked and a pie smacked her directly in the face and the taste of pumpkin pie, and then the taste of whip cream hit her all at once.

"Happy birthdays!" The guys shouted and she was laughing, as she wiped a hand across her eyes so that she could actually see and so could they, that despite the rest of the pie and all of the whipped cream covering over her entire face, she was grinning like a real idiot.

"You surprised?" Eli, the one who was usually of very few words, was smilin' brightly and the scar on his face was a very tiny thing, nearly invisible now.

"Damn right I am! When the heck did either of you, have time to plan this at any point?" She asked and Demetri was ducking behind Daniel, as he had been the one to throw the pie at her face.

"We had time. As you know, we don't exactly get invited to many parties of any sort, so we always have some sort of free time on our hands." Demetri answered, as Daniel had moved and walked away with Amanda, so he had lost his hiding spot.

"You guys are the best, you know that?" Scout asked and the two looked at each other and they didn't have any time to react, before she was crushing them in a hug.

"Ow." Eli said, frantically tapping her on the back as Scout released them at once, from her hug torture chambers.

"Sorry. I'm still getting used to being outside again." She said, gesturing her arms wide, and unfortunately, almost smoking Demetri in the right temples, as she did. "Sorry." She said, as he was backing up a little.

"No problem... I think." He said and she crossed her arms and looks over at the house, where her parents were smiling at them all.

"Cake, dinner, then popcorn and a massive marathon of movies?" Scout asked with a grin, and the boys were a huge bout of cheerin', as they dove for the food. They were totally ready for a night of fun and a lot of it, as Daniel and Amanda both watched them eating together and laughing, as they smiled at the joy on their faces.

"I'm glad that we did this." Amanda murmurs and Daniel nodded slightly at the happy party of three, as they all finished their food in record time and raced upstairs to get a marathon of all and any Movies or TV shows going.

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