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"I haven't had any time. Sleep, eating... I spend most of my time keeping the peace between the rest of the gangs, keeping the malls safe in exchange for food..." Asher shakes his head, and Scout leans against his arm and hugged him.

"You feel like skin and bones." She murmured and he sighed, smiling a little bit at her. "I'm serious, Asher. If this job is going to kill you, maybe you just should back out." She said, and he sighed a little.

"Can't. Even if I wanted to, I can't. I was left the job and I can't give it to anybody else, I don't trust anyone in here enough." He said and she looked at him, gripping his hand with hers.

"I'm always around. Whatever you need, I'm around. I promise. I don't care what for, you hear me?" She asks and he nodded slightly.

"Don't deserve a friend like you." He said and she scoffed, smackin' his arm and he leaned back against the couch.

"If anyone doesn't deserve a friend like you, it's me. Not many friends are met in Juvie and stay friends outside of the crap-shoot." Scout pointed out and he chuckled a little, as she leaned her head on his shoulder again.

"You're picking up on my language from the crap-shoot. When did that fact happen?" He asked and she let a small chuckle escape. "I missed you a ton, kiddo." He said, and she smiled a little.

"I'm only two years younger then you." She complained quietly and he smiled a little at her, as he messed up her hair quickly and she punched him in the ribs to get him to stop.

Asher grunted in actual pain this time, and she looked worried. "I'm okay. I just don't have anything at the moment. Like you said... I'm basically just skin and bones." He said, and she chuckled a little.

"And muscle. But not very much of it at the moment apparently." Scout said and Asher shakes his head at her, and could not help but fall back onto their classic annoyance symbol. Stickin' out his tongue at her.

"I've got an idea. Nobody's gonna be at Miyagi-Do, right?" He asked and as a look of understanding showed up on Scout's face, they began to hear the sirens. "Shit." Asher whispered.

"Ash! The fuzz is after us!" One of the older Serpents shouts, bustin' through the door and Scout shot up to her feet with Asher, whose eyes were flaring.

"Scout, go!" He snapped and raced quickly into the central room, just as police began to move into the room. "I say, Scatter!" He roars and all of their Serpents race off in every direction at the order, but the police were in every direction.

Asher managed to get Scout out the back door, but he slammed it shut, as the police managed to get him, and he hit the wall with a loud crash.

Scout was faced with Daniel and the Captain of the police force, as they all looked worried about her.

"I was fine! Dad, you just got more than 20 innocent people arrested! I can vouch for every one of them!" She cried out in fury, as her father shakes his head.

"You met one of them in Juvie yet again, didn't you? You found Asher Kreese again." The force went silent at that and Scout's fists were clenchin' at her sides tightly.

"He is nothing like his father." She whispered and walked away, as she saw that the Serpents were being all herded into a bunch of police cars.

She managed to convince one of the younger officers to let her by, and she located the one that Asher was shoved into, mainly since it had about forty of the cops around it.

"Let her through." The Captain said and Scout walked through and she'd sit in the passenger seat, since she'd absolutely not be allowed to sit in the back.

"I'll go back to the crap-shoot, before I'll ever give the cops anything." Asher said quietly and Scout scoffed at him.

"Well, good thing I'm not a cop. Tell me what they're arresting you for and I'll tell them. They will believe me." At the words, he smiled slightly at her.

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