Chapter 3: BDZ

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Jimin just blinked and didn't move from his position which left Jeongyeon in awe and her mouth dropping while looking at him. Nayeon could really be scary and he didn't seem to realize it yet.

Nayeon: What do you want?

Jimin: Eun Hwan. I wanna see him.

Jeongyeon: *puppy eyes still looking at Jimin*

Nayeon: Omo. You sounded like a demanding father, do you know that? Isn't it your off? Were you really planning to stay here longer? Or you just decided it now to annoy me?

Jimin: Ani! *scratched his head* Not everything is about you, noona—

Jeongyeon: *chuckled* Sorry, the noona got me.

Jeongyeon: *chuckled* Sorry, the noona got me

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Nayeon: Arasseo. Eun Hwan's in his bedroom, go in there.

He left the ladies and went to the boy's bedroom. He was welcomed by him with a warm hug.

Nayeon, on the other hand, just realized something.

Nayeon: He knows where my god son's room is?

Jeongyeon: Yep, why?

Nayeon: What about your room? Did you already do it? Huh?

Jeongyeon: FOR FUCK'S SAKE! Can you stop?

Nayeon: Hmmm. In fairness, he looks so good with his clothes on.

 In fairness, he looks so good with his clothes on

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Jimin's outfit.

Nayeon: How did he even end up being little Eun Hwan's guard?

Jeongyeon: He came.

Nayeon: So he was serious.

Jeongyeon: Yep, I actually said no at first. He was applying for another position. So I had to make a way for him to— *clears throat* by the way about the—

Feel Special [JeongMin]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang