Chapter 1

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"There is no person so severely punished, as those who subject themselves to the whip of their own remorse."
-Lucius Annaeus Seneca

Yaman woke up all of a sudden from a nightmare. He had seen that Seher was drowning in a deep black ocean and she was crying and begging him to help but he leaves her and walks away.

He was sweating profusely and looked for water on his bedside. When he turned to look on the sofa, Seher was not there !

Whether it was his nightmare or the innate fear of losing her forever with the way he was treating her, he sprang up from the bed in an instant. A sense of foreboding washed over him and his heart started beating faster. He was now fighting a strong sense of disquietude and unease , hoping she was safe and well, and still in the house. He decided to go out to check on her but before he could move, his eyes rested on a folded piece of paper on the bedstand near the bottle. With shaking hands, he opened the letter and started reading.

I, Seher Kerimoglu, in full possession of my senses, am leaving my nephew Yusuf with you, his uncle Yaman Kirimli and entrust him to your care.
I tried very very hard but my heart , spirit and confidence are broken beyond repair and even if I get his custody, I am incapable of taking care of myself or him. I am leaving this place forever with all my shattered dreams and splintered hopes. You were successful in cracking my heart wide open, Yaman. The same heart with which I loved you unconditionally and whole heartedly. Goodbye and you shall never see me again. I leave all the 'charity' you gave me behind. Just take care of my last remaining legacy, Yusuf and I shall be content wherever I am.

Yaman thought he would die of claustrophobia. He could not breathe and he could not control his tears anymore. It felt like his heart was breaking into a thousand fragments.

He rushed to take his car keys and ran outside. He didn't even remember how quickly he got into the car. He kept trying Seher's phone number but the phone was switched off. He could not control his anxiety and it felt like someone was crushing his heart into a pulp. He was in an extreme state of panic. There was a heaviness in his chest and he felt he would break down and cry any moment. Seher had left? Where would she go? What would she do? How would she survive? He had broken her beyond repair. He was an animal, a brute who did not know how to value the only woman he ever loved. He had tormented her so much that her courage, faith, inner light all had gone out. He was a murderer ! He had murdered Seher's soul deliberately and taken away her reason for existence.

All sorts of bad thoughts started assailing his mind- what if she tries to harm herself? What if she has already??? N-No- No-No- No !!! This could not happen. This was not possible. She would not take this drastic step. Or would she? He was losing his mind with worry and fear.

He called Cenger and told him everything and asked him to search every nook and cranny of the house and get back to him. He then called Nedim and asked him to organise all their men into a search party as soon as possible and order them to look across the length and breadth of the city and find Seher, by hook or by crook.

He was driving along the main road and frantically trying to focus and think what all places she could go to- Nadire mother's place, Inspector Ali's place ?? He decided to drive to Nadire mother's place first. He drove like a man being chased by demons and reached her place in a record 8 minutes.

To be continued.

Note: Seher is safe and sound but it will take a lot of penance from Yaman to win her back.

Remorse- Yaman realises all his sins.Where stories live. Discover now