Chapter 27: Debut

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It draws near and comes closer. The days passed on and Athanasia spent those days tormenting the young lady without mercy while getting many books for Jennette's lectures. In those times of pain and agony, Helena had to suffer the experiment and improve on her skills which was pointless because she just wanted to live peacefully without working much. Even staying home isn't a choice anymore when her parents wouldn't allow the young lady to deny the request. Although rising in popularity and earning a title for being close friends with the princess gave her some power and fame, Helena still wished to escape from this suffering. All she can do is be patient and bear with it until her release.

Fortunately, today was different.

"Thank you for your hard work and effort. I really appreciate it and here is your reward!" Athanasia praised the lifeless woman sitting in front of her, gawking with a dead brain and spirit gone. The princess slides a book to her with a smirk and a wink. "I hired a special author to write this"

"... Y-Yes" Helena nods and takes the book, staring at it furiously. She trembles and puffs her cheeks, getting rosy and her eyes tear up. "It's over!" She cries with joy after reaching the final end of her misery and now can focus on her normal life again.

"Yes, it is" Athanasia pats her head while wiping her tears with a handkerchief. She felt sorry and pity for the noble lady who was forced to be part of her research. But it's for the sake of the empire and luckily, the experiment is done. "This is only the beginning" She whispers to herself evilly so Helena sucks up her tears.

"Huh? What's that?" Helena shuddered from the chills in the air and looked at the princess who immediately switched back to a friendly smile.

"This book is made by a person that I know very well"

Athanasia laughs slowly, reminiscing the memories of the times with the shopkeeper. Apparently, the princess's popularity has gone outside of the empire and other countries are impressed by her ability to save Obelia from falling. Somehow the news reached the little town and the middle-aged woman adventured out on a journey. Finding her way up to the palace and getting great benefits from the princess. Athanasia glooms, revisiting the memory of their reunion when they met outside. Her intuition is never wrong, even with a magical disguise, her senses are always keen and accurate.

"Is it the new Countess that has given you aid during your disappearance?" Helena squints her eyes and puts the book away.

"Yes and I'll introduce you to each other at the banquet. I'm confident you'll get along" Athanasia smirks with a mischievous expression, knowing the two are bookworms. Creating books and giving them to Helena to review will surely turn out great in the end. As long as it's interesting and keeps the reader's attention, Athanasia can implement this to Jennette's studies.

"With that look on your face, I'm not su-"

"Anyway the party is in a few days" Athanasia cuts her off completely and shimmers. "You think the plan will work?"

"No" Helena bluntly wheezed and surprised Athanasia with pessimism.

"What the? I thought we were in on this together!" Athanasia exclaims. "Helena! You're the unofficial matchmaker and the master of love advice!"

"You're exaggerating though I must admit I do possess a strange knowledge" Helena's eyebrow twitches and her face hardens with a smile. "And using my special skill, I believe it'll most likely fail partially due to his behavior"

"Don't be pessimistic. Lord Alpheus is brave and I believe he can do it!"

"It's not that." Helena shivers and glances to the side with a serious gaze. "For a man so perfect and popular..." Helena stops speaking and coughs. "He needs a guide"

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