Chapter 25: Cupid

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AN:... it's only a paragraph


In the life of a rising princess that has almost everything from her hard work and effort, it's expected to be luxurious and prosperous. An envy life that everyone would want including the other princess whose position stayed the same. In reality, it was just danger and work every day and everywhere she goes. Something or someone always follows to attack her.

"Athanasia, how are you today?"

The two princesses were out today, sitting under the shades and enjoying their picnic time during the lovely weather. It was nice and relaxing, perfect to rest in.

"I'm doing good. Thank you for asking"

Athanasia smiled fondly at the brunette, remembering how much Jennette cried for her during the incident and sending frequent letters about her health. The event was kept hidden within the walls of the palace luckily. Though her fiance heard of the news and sent letters and flowers that wished for her well-being and health only for those gifts to be tragically burned by the warlock caring for the sick. She never got the chance to read or see them.

"That's great to hear," Jennette grinned in relief and exhaled the heavyweight of guilt inside her chest. Moving on as the aura got brighter and the atmosphere more pleasing. "I was wondering if you could maybe increase the budget for the Emerald Palace for me please?"

Athanasia flinched in bewilderment from Jennette's request, furrowing her brows and putting down her teacup. Why would she ask for another increase? Athanasia already raised it for the sake of her studies and calculated the budget so it wouldn't be too low but also not too high. "Is the current budget not satisfying enough or does it seem lower than it should be?" Athanasia mumbled, thinking to herself and remembering the records.

The last time she checked, there were no signs of embezzlement and the punishment for it would be a hand but in the Imperial Palace, it would be more than just one body part. Perhaps Athanasia overlooked it by accident due to her tired brain that is constantly overworked. How can that be?

"Oh no! It's just for this one time because there's a special event coming up"

"Special event?" Athanasia tilted her head with a crooked smile and Jennette suddenly put on a serious gaze, pressing her lips into a thin line as the blonde stayed clueless of her expression.

"Do you not remember or not know at all?" Jennette's voice goes weak and quiet as she lets out a tiny whine. Frowning out of nowhere startled Athanasia who broke into a cold sweat.

"I-I'm sorry but there are many special days coming up so I don't know which one you're especially implying" Athanasia quickly listed the holidays in the upcoming month and ordered them from most to least important. But also taking into consideration which one the Imperial family would host a banquet for while ignoring the others. "Uhhhh, the birth of the Empire?"

"Close" Jennette wheezed in disappointment but still grinned, understanding Athanasia at the same time. "It'll be my 20th birthday!"

"That's 3 months from now on" Athanasia stated and Jennette's mood got brighter when realizing that she remembers.

"Ah! You know when it's my birthday?"

"Of course, I do."

Athanasia reminiscences the bitter memories of attending each banquet, watching the pair dance on the floor while everyone watches them with ease. All attention on the main character as she's forced to stay in the shadows and only wishing her a happy birthday to go home fast. She never enjoys any party, not even her own. But things were different now and she no longer has to focus on the horrible past. Staying optimistic and confident that this one will be the same as last time or maybe even better.

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