At last

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"M-Mono?" Seven called.

Mono shook his head and fell to his knees. "S-Seven... are you alright..?"

"Yeah just a bit sleepy. Are you okay?" Seven asked crawling over to Mono.

"Tired... overused my powers like I did when we first met in person." Mono said ever so slowly sinking to the floor.

"Please Mono! Let me out!" Six cried from her metal and wood prison.

"No... one deserves to be... caged forever... not even... you." With a wave of his hand, Mono reversed workings of his powers and let Six go.

"Not... even... you..." Mono fainted and Seven gasped thinking he died, but he placed his head on Mono's chest and heard a soft but strong thumping of his heartbeat. Seven sighed and placed a gentle kiss on Mono's cheek.

Six tried to summon her powers but they were completely stripped from her body. "What did he do to me?"

"He took away your powers before you could hurt him or anyone else... including yourself Six." Seven said looking towards her.

"I- my- I didn't want to really I didn't... I just felt anger boil inside me and it was just directed towards you. I regretted what I did immediately, but my mind had already moved onto alternative motives..." Six said.

Seven smiled. "I understand. Mono is very protective of me. That's how we were separated in the first place. He wanted to find me and ended up getting caught by the janitor." He shivered. "I don't ever want to see the janitor ever again."

Six made a face that was saying 'uh about that'. "Yeah... you won't have too."

Seven looked at her with a confused face. "What do you mean?"

"Uh... yeah ha ha... when I was being chased by him the other day and uh... I wasn't really thinking and I... pulled a few bars off a cage and sliced his arms... off..."

Seven blinked at Six. "Uhh... at least we don't have to deal with him again."

Six let out an awkward laugh. "Yeah... you're welcome?"

Seven laughed then let out a yawn. He curled up next to Mono and was about to fall asleep when he looked over at Six. She looked lonely and lost, an that made Seven think for a second. 'Her powers are gone... she can't possibly hurt us anymore, right?'

Seven made up his mind. "Six." She looked his way. "You can come and sleep with us."

Six smiled brightly at Seven's kind words and curled up next to the two and let out a small yawn.

'At least we're all happy... then I can tell Mono about what I heard and thank him for all he's done for me. So I can tell him too... that I love him.'

Seven slowly closed his eyes and slept peacefully.

Seven finally felt safe at last.


Mono woke up to the feeling of warmth.

He tried to remember what happened a few hours ago, but it was a bit fuzzy. He just remembered seeing red at some point and over using his powers. He remembered Seven waking up and going to check on him, then letting Six out of the cage of wood and metal.

That's right!

He stripped Six of any power she could have, but in his tiredness his anger got the best of him and he almost killed her... if Seven hadn't called out to him then he would have regretted his decision until the day he died.

Mono peaked his eyes open and spotted Seven curled up against his side. Mono listen closely to Seven's soft breathing and the steady rise and fall of his chest. He found it soothing...

Then he felt someone else.

He turned slightly not trying to wake whatever was on him, and at first he thought it was a nome but saw a person with black hair laying on his side.

Mono didn't think much of it and brought Seven closer to him and Seven hummed and nuzzled into the warmth of Mono's shirt.

"I... love you... too... Mono." Seven mumbled in his sleep.

Mono made a surprised face but smiled and kissed Seven's cheek and whispered a simple. "I love you more than you could ever know."


Seven woke up to a very warm feeling. It felt like heaven to him... being held like someone cared... it was a dream really.

Seven hummed as he felt someone pull him closer and he hid his face in the warmth of whoever this was... probably Mono...

Still being half asleep he had no idea what he was saying and he almost didn't catch it himself. "I... love you... too... Mono."

Seven internally started panicking. What if he didn't like him back?! His tired body couldn't be bothered by such a question and just kept sleeping, but Seven's mind was absolutely freaking out.

Seven thought he might cry but he felt a small kiss on his cheek and Mono whisper the words he'd been yearning to hear. "I love you more than you could ever know."

Seven felt any feeling of fear or doubt melt away as he heard those words. It was then he knew that Mono did love him back and that maybe... just maybe... they could love one another.

"Do you mean that..?" Seven asked.

Mono gasped as Seven looked up at him with worried sapphire eyes, but Mono softened. "With all my heart."

Seven smiled brightly and laid his head on Mono's chest listening to his heartbeat...

"Awww! You guys are cute." Said a tired voice. Seven and Mono looked over to where the voice came from and Six was there rubbing her eyes and letting out a yawn. "But cuteness aside... can we sleep again..? I'm still tired..."

Mono let out a small laugh and Seven hid his face in Mono's shirt. "Yeah, sure we can."

With some hesitation on Mono's end, he almost didn't let Six lay next to him, but Seven helped him realize that she was fine now... she wasn't going to hurt them anymore. With that Six curled up next to Mono and Seven did the same.

Mono smiled and relaxed, slowly letting sleep take over him.

Now, Mono was finally ready to say...

He was happy at last.


This is the last chapter of this little book series.

This is a thank you to all who have voted and commented on this book and giving me a reason to continue this story!!

I don't like Six very much but I didn't want to give her a small redemption arc. So, that's what this is... a redemption arc...

I'll try posting another LN2 book soon so try and look for that.

I swear I'm terrible at writing endings...

Thank you all for reading this mess of whatever this was and I'll see you soon! Bye!!!

Word count - 1,143

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