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This time, it was Mono's turn to wait for Seven to arrive.

Mono would limp over to the electrified gate and wait. Of course before Seven got there he was bombarded with other people which Mono would try to ignore until Seven arrived.

Seven would eventually tell everyone to go away and would sit down with Mono. Every conversation started the same. "How was your morning?"

"Same old same old. Nothing new just waiting for you."

Seven smiled brightly at Mono. Mono would be lying if he said he felt a funny feeling, but after all the time he had to himself he couldn't distinguish what it was. Mono shook his head slightly and move on to a question that had been plaguing his mind for a while.

"Seven?" Mono called.

Immediately gaining his friend's attention he hummed in response.

"When did you get here?" Mono asked.

A happy energy coming from Seven was dropped and replaced with sadness. "I-I don't know... I just remember being here and hurting myself trying to leave... I can't even remember why I wanted to leave though."

Mono looked remorsefully at Seven. "It's alright. I wasn't expecting an answer just wondering."

Seven smiled at Mono his happy demeanor returning tenfold.

Mono and Seven talked about anything and everything. Seven would always question about the mainland and Mono would always ask about the Maw. Eight came to join them on some days, giving a better insight on the dangers of the Maw.

Mono and Seven were practically inseparable...

That is... until the janitor came.

The lights would shut off and the happy, bubbly atmosphere would be replaced with fear. Without a single word to Mono, Seven would scurry away to the other side of the room and get through the bars before they came back on.

There was always a long armed man who would give them blankets to get passed the light without them freezing and turning into dust.

Seven would always look back at Mono who would be pacing back and forth trying to find a way to get to him.

Mono had always been characteristically protective. Seven had gained his trust and he was now extremely protective of him. So when he saw the janitor absently feel for Seven it made him let out a low growl.

Seven would always wave at Mono to tell him he was okay and to simply just calm him down. It had worked to an extent.

Mono was still extremely worried. He would try desperately to reach the hole in the wall that Seven would go through occasionally, but it was always useless...

Mono would go back to his hiding place and sleep. His energy spent on worrying and trying to find a way to reach Seven. He was still healing.

Well, there was that one switch, but he was afraid to pull it in fear of bringing something to him... then he would never see Seven again.

Suddenly, the lights cut off once more but instead of the pitter patter of feet he heard one pair of feet making loud thumps coming his way. Mono stayed extremely still knowing if he made noise, whatever was out there would find him.

"I know you are there small child." The janitor called. He started moving things around trying to find him making Mono move away slowly from the janitor's hands.

Mono felt his breathing pick up. This monster couldn't see but he had impeccable hearing. He would be grabbed in an instant if he were to run from it.

"I can hear you little boy." The janitor called again.

Mono knew the power would return shortly, he could possibly make it before it comes back on.

Mono had his stance. He was ready to run if he had to... just because the janitor couldn't see doesn't mean that Mono could see the janitor.

He was crouching down practically crawling to get to the gate. Mono was almost to the gate when a board creaked and Mono froze.

He turned slightly and caught a glimpse of the janitor with a creepy smile.

"I hear you..." He singsonged eerily.

Mono made a run for the door but was snatched up before he could make it.

"Let me go! Let me go!" Mono screamed.

The janitor moved through doors smoothly and with ease. Mono was struggling profusely. Trying desperately to free himself.

"Stop struggling... you are a danger to the others... they need to feed the guests." The janitor said dragging his hand against the floor.

Mono gasped. "What do you mean..?"

"Hm... you'll join them soon enough you may as well know. The children are food for the guests, and soon, once they are fat enough, I take them and give them to the chefs."

Mono thought of Seven. He doesn't know his fate... none of them do.

Mono would just let the janitor lead him to the others he would take Seven away from here... he knew places they could live... where Seven would be safe. But when Mono was tossed in a cage he realized his plan had a major flaw.

"Wait... why don't you take me back with the other kids..?" Mono asked.

"I have simply told you to much. You may cause a mass break out and, from what I've said, we can't have that happening now can we..?" The janitor answered smugly, before shutting the door and leaving.

Mono shook the bars violently, trying to break out and go find Seven. But... it was no use he was trapped and it was hopeless. Mono curled up in the farthest corner of the confined cage and cried.

He really would never see Seven again...


Seven ran over to the electrified gate. He called for Mono a little off set that he wasn't waiting for him.

"Mono! Mono I'm here!" Seven called for his friend.

Seven's smiled died down slowly as he took in the details of the room finally.

Boxes were overturned and the door was open. It wasn't when he left yesterday...

As those details sunk in he realized... they had gotten comfortable and the janitor had taken Mono...

When that finally set in...

He let out a heart wrenching scream...



Got to love me some angst...

Yeah... I intended for this to play out differently but my cousin had the idea... so I went along with it...

I did accidentally end up searching up Mono's wiki page tho... I looked at his wiki page and it said he was naturally protective and kind but still very wary of things. So, I really hope I implemented that into this well...

And before you ask... "How do you "accidentally" search up a wiki page?" Well, I was looking for fanfictions to read and I happen to stubble upon it and read the entirety of it and it made it much easier to personify Mono... so there...

Anyways... thanks for reading! See you soon! Bye!!!

Word count - 1,163

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