The girls scowled, giving me death stares as they left quietly. Meanwhile, a blond-haired woman who was dressed voluptuously, nudged me on my shoulders and grabbed my wrist, digging her red-manicured nails into my skin.

Who the heck does she think she is?

Despite the pain, I refused to show any emotion that would signal defeat.

"He's mine! Don't you ever try snatching him away from me!"

Knowing that I was far stronger than her, I held a firm and tight grip, removing her hands from my wrist while I gradually increased the pressure to the point where she hissed in pain.

"One, do not ever put me in the same group as you. Two, don't ever touch me with that soiled hands of yours ever again. Besides, don't you worry. I wouldn't want to get dirty from something that belongs to someone of your uh, caliber." I smirked as I eyed her from top to bottom before throwing her hand to the side, forcing her to swing in the same direction.

Her mouth dropped to the floor in disbelief, shocked from what just happened. "Nick! Did you see how rude she was to me! Look what she did to my hand too!" She cried, raising her arm in the process to show the obvious handprint on her pale skin. Fake tears were of course, bursting from her eyes, smudging her once-perfect mascara.

"Well, if you didn't inflict pain on her, I am absolutely certain that she would keep those hands to herself too." Nicholas replied nonchalantly. Upon hearing his words, the woman sobbed even harder before running off into the crowd, admitting defeat. Meanwhile, Nicholas didn't really seem affected by her emotions.

One point for me.

"Well, it is a pleasure meeting you once again." He extended his hand, with his voice full of amusement.

"The pleasure is all mine." I said sarcastically, ignoring his hand which he then placed behind his back.

"You don't seem to like me very much even after I helped you. Why is that?"

"I don't think it's any of your business to know what I think about you. Besides, I wasn't in need of any help. You were the one who helped me out of your own accord." I simply replied, wishing that this conversation would end.

"Well then, since you are uninterested in talking, would you mind if I have this dance?" He bowed, with his hands extended towards me once again.

"How about no?"

"What's wrong? Are you afraid to express your likings for me? Because if you are, that be the least of my concerns." He smirked. I gawked at him, mind-boggled by just how cocky he can be.

"Me? Liking you? What bull crap. If a dance is what you want, so be it." I slapped my hand in his before he led me to the middle of the dance floor. He then proceeded to wrap his arms around my waist, holding it firmly, while the other delicately grasped my hand. Though mine was undoubtedly smaller, it felt strangely comfortable to feel the warmth of his hand. As the music progresses, our bodies swayed together in perfect unison. I would have been called a liar if I said that I didn't enjoy the dance.

That was until...


"Oops, sorry." But in truth, I didn't feel a tinge of regret at all.

"Well, you can't blaming me for stepping on your foot. You're the one who wanted this dance in the first place." I beamed triumphantly.

"Miss Wellesley, you seem to have taken a fancy in my suffering, don't you?"

"Oh, I wouldn't dare. After all, how could I offend someone of higher sta-"

In a split second when I thought that I was going to fall to the ground, the grip around my waist tightened, pulling me towards him. This time, closer than it was before.

Darn this dress and heels.

"This is the second time that I have saved you," he whispered, bending his head until his lips were right next to my ear.

"So, have you come to terms in confessing your liking towards me?" Even though I wasn't looking, the smug look that he displayed from the sound of his voice was unmistakable.

"I don't need any saving. Not from a person like you. I think that says a lot about how I feel about you." I pushed him further away from me.

"We shall see about that." He said before his head dipped once again, lips inching closer towards mine. His hot breath tickled my skin, making my heart pump wildly and breath to become increasingly erratic. My legs felt as if they were about to give way. I tried to inch away from him, but his arms held my back. I prayed that he would not see how much his actions affected me. But just before our lips met, he pulled away, increasing the distance between us; making me feel a tinge of disappointment.

"It seems to me that I have all the answers I need."

Stupid! You fell for his trick!

"You pervert! You-"

"Well Miss Wellesley, if I was a pervert, why do I get the feeling that you were enjoying it."

"You!" Just as I was about to wipe that smirk off his face with a punch, Agnes approached us from the crowd.

"Ahem, sorry for the delay. Now where were we. Oh yes! Abbey, Sir Nicholas is going to be teaching you on basic etiquettes. In other words, you're going to be studying. And by studying, I mean no more fooling around. Do you understand?"

There is no way I will allow that pompous freak to be my teacher.

"No, I don't! I have no complaints on studying, and I'll be happy with any other teacher. Anyone but him. Also, he is a guy! Wouldn't it be better if a lady taught another lady on how to be lady-like? How can a guy like him qualify?"

"I'm far more capable than you think, Miss Abbey. Ever heard of the saying 'never judge a book by its cover'?" Nicholas said coolly with his brows furrowed and raised, as if he trying to challenge me. I turned my head and rolled my eyes at him.

"Oh yeah? Well I've got another personal saying of mine, and it goes by 'I don't care'." I retaliated.

What a showoff.

"Abbey! That is no way on how you should speak Sir Nicholas!" Agnes snapped, but I waved both my hands up in the air.

"What? I am just speaking my mind! Besides, he is no Sir. He doesn't even act like one to begin with. If I may correct, he is a condescending and arrogant being!"

"Abbey!" Agnes spats.

"It's okay Agnes. I am sure that after my lessons, she will indeed be a real lady. But judging by her character, it would take months or even weeks if we are lucky, to drill those manners into her. But there is one way to speed up her process." He said, looking at me in amusement.

"And what is that?" Agnes eyes' shone with curiosity.

"She will have to reside in my mansion for three months."


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