vii | the castle of fyrien

Start from the beginning

"I said sniff, not inhale!" Lia exclaimed. She and Merlin watched as his eyes fluttered close and he began to lose his balance. Before Arthur could fall over, Merlin used his magic to pull a chair over and catch him. He slumped over, and it took a moment for him to come around. "He certainly won't be the brightest King of Camelot."

Merlin snickered and picked up the cloth from the floor. Arthur weakly shook his head. "What is that?" he asked, tiredly.

"It's a compound of hogswart and phylarian," Lia explained.

"Argh, what?" he asked, groaning and holding his head.

"Just a guess," Lia said, biting her lip. She shared a look with Merlin, knowing that both of them had used the same compound on guards when sneaking around the castle before.

"You could knock a man out with that," Arthur complained.

"Yes," Merlin agreed. "Or a woman."

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Gwen, who was trapped in the Castle of Fyrien with her brother by Cenred and Morgause, quickly downed a goblet of water. It was the first she was given to drink since being kidnapped. Cenred watched her with calculating eyes as she finished it. Then he stepped closer and ran a hand across her cheek, causing her to flinch.

"Where have you taken Elyan?" she asked in a shaky voice.

"He's safe," Cenred told her. "For now."

"How do I know that?" she asked, not trusting a word he said.

"We can talk about your brother later. I want to talk about you, and what you can do for me," he said, slowly walking around her.

"What could I possibly do for you?"

Cenred leaned in close to whisper in her ear. "You can bring me Arthur Pendragon."

"I'm just a servant," Gwen said, shaking her head. "I have no influence with the Prince."

"I think we both know that's not true," he said, chuckling. "We couldn't get the physician, but you will work just fine. My sources tell me he'd do anything she or Morgana asked of him."

"I don't know what you're talking about." Gwen had never been so confused. She did not understand what Elyan and Lia had to do with Arthur.

"Enough!" Cenred shouted angrily. He knocked a cup off the table, and Gwen cowered away. "You will bring him here. I don't care how you do it, all I care is that it is done. You have a week."

"And if I do not?" she dared to ask.

Cenred leaned forward as he made his threat, causing Gwen to shake even more. "Then I'll let you watch while I tear your brother's heart out."

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After a bit more investigating, Arthur, accompanied by Lia and Merlin, met with Uther and Morgana in the council chamber. "The guards saw her leave the palace at the usual time. After that, nothing," he told them.

"Why are you telling me this?" Uther asked, not taking any interest in Gwen's wellbeing.

"Sire, I have reason to believe that Guinevere has been kidnapped."

"Kidnapped?" Morgana asked in fake disbelief.

"I'd like to organize a search party," Arthur continued.

"I hardly think that would be appropriate," Uther said, sighing.


"She's just a serving girl," he stated as if they needed reminding.

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