twenty two | a view to a kill

Start from the beginning

As he paced around the inside of the cell, Klaus said, "And then when I turned a room full of barflies into vampires for him to slaughter, you let Kol kill them."

Damon replied, "Your brother problem, not mine, buddy."

Klaus asked him, "And whose bright idea was it to saddle Jeremy with a conscience, hmm?"

Damon told him, "Well, we couldn't have him trying to stake Elena in her sleep, now, could we?"

Klaus said to him, "Ah, yes, for the love of Elena. How is it that she manages to overlook every horrific thing you've ever done? Is it willful ignorance or perhaps something more pathological?"

Damon replied, "Some people are just more capable of forgiveness than others. Bet you score about a negative five-hundred in that realm."

Klaus said to him, "Come on. There must be a secret. It can't just be the sire bond. What is it? Compulsion? Manipulation?" After a couple seconds of silence, Klaus asked him, "What is it you say to her?"

It was then that Damon had caught the ball and turned to look at Klaus before he slowly sat up and said to Klaus, "I think this has something to do with a certain blond vampire. I think you murdered Carol Lockwood and I think you're worried that Caroline's never going to forgive you."

Klaus told him, "You've done worse."

Damon replied, "Debatable. See, I don't mind being the bad guy, because somebody has to fill that role and get things done. You do bad things for no reason. You do them to be a dick."

Klaus retorted, "Debatable."

Damon shrugged before he said to Klaus, "If you're gonna be bad, be bad with purpose. Otherwise, you're just not worth forgiving."

Just as Damon went back to tossing up the ball and Klaus started to eye him, they suddenly stopped when they heard a sigh from the entrance of the cell.

It was then that they saw Annabelle leaned against the entrance with her arms crossed over her chest and a blank look on her face.

Before either of them had the chance to say something to her, Annabelle asked Klaus, "Is this why you called me here? So that I could listen to your failure at getting yourself into a relationship with that bloody vampire? If that's the case, then I think that I'm needed elsewhere, so that I don't have to listen to this nonsense."

Klaus replied, "On the contrary, little sister. I called you here, so you could assist me in keeping an eye on Damon. After all, from what I heard, you're not exactly a big fan of him. Wouldn't you like to make him pay for being an accomplice in staking you?"

Instead of verbally responding, Annabelle merely tilted her head as she looked over at Damon with a wide smirk on her face.

And just because of that, Damon closed his eyes with a sigh and muttered under his breath, "Oh, brother."

* * *

While Annabelle repeatedly tried and failed to get a hold of Kol through text messages, Klaus said to Damon, "Your brother's lack of communication is infuriating."

Damon replied, "It's one of his trademarks, like his brooding and his hair."

Klaus said to him, "I don't understand what's taking so long. I mean, how hard is it to steal a dagger?"

Damon told him, "From the vampire who's been stabbed by it as many times as your sister, I'd say difficult."

Klaus only sighed before he lightly tossed a tube of blood towards Damon, who only said 'sweet' as he picked the tube up from the floor.

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