Rhys had his hands behind his back, "You don't like Hewn City, correct?" She nods at him. "Then it's only fair that I take you out of there, right?"

"My lord, pardon me, but I don't follow."

"I'll give you a chance to live in my Court of Dreams," he said.

To say that the thief is shocked is an understatement. It was all happening so fast. The other day, she was caught and beaten. And now, she was being offered to get out of Hewn and live in Velaris. Was she dreaming? Was the high lord messing with her head?

"You want something in return," she realized. Nothing came without a price. Not in this world. Why else would the high lord offer her such an opportunity when he gets nothing from her?

Rhysand's grin appeared, "You catch on quick, impressive. I must say, you intrigued me, thief. You've been stealing from Keir for weeks and only got caught once, that's enough to get my attention. You're good, but you can be better. I can do something about that."

"You want me to steal for you?" She was confused. He's the high lord, he could have anything he wanted with a flick of his finger.

"No," He smiled, showing his straight white teeth, "I want you to spy for me."

The thief went silent, considering his offer. She glanced at her young brother. He deserved to live in Velaris, not Hewn. All she wants is the best for him, it doesn't matter what she'll have to do.

Rhysand meets eyes with Azriel, already feeling his success in convincing the thief. "You'll be under my spymaster's command. There will be a series of tests you'll need to pass before we can fully trust your loyalty to me and to the court," he tilts his head to the side, eyeing her reactions, "You and your brother will live with us. I will provide you with your needs and pay you for your services. And I know you're smart enough not to try to escape with all of us around."

She glanced at the warriors around her. These were experienced men who could strike her before she could even think of doing something. General Cassian was the best fighter, which earned him his position in the High Lord's Inner Circle. There was even once a rumor that a whole army didn't stand a chance with him on the opposite side. The spymaster Azriel was the epitome of a silent killer. His cold stare was enough to have you freezing to your toes. And of course, the High Lord Rhysand, whose single twitch of his finger could melt your brains. He's known to be the most powerful High Lord alive, making him a formidable foe... or ally.

"So, thief," Rhysand holds out his hand, "Do we have a deal?"

Without another thought, she clamps her hand around his. She wasn't surprised at the feeling of calluses in his hand, it felt like hers, maybe they were alike in more ways than one, "You have my word, my lord."

A feral grin appeared on her High Lord's face, "Very well, Callaghan. Welcome to Velaris."

Callaghan never told him her name, but she knew she didn't have to. A burning feeling bloomed around her bicep, the swirling ink reminding her of the deal. She stares at it when they part.

Was this a good idea? Honestly, it didn't matter to Callaghan, as long as her brother is safe.

"Cassian," Rhysand steps back, flaring out his wings and turning to fly away, "Show Callaghan and Viktor their room."

"As you wish, my lord," the general said, with a hint of humor in his tone. As the general walks closer to her, she notices how ruggedly handsome he is. "Follow me," he says.

"Callaghan," Rhys calls out, making her pause, "You are not a prisoner here. You're free to roam the house and the city as you wish."


That specific word struck her all of a sudden. She was out of Hewn city. She finally escaped that place.

Was dealing with the devil worth it?

As Callaghan was contemplating her situations, it hit her that her brother didn't grip her leg anymore. He was quiet, too quiet, and seemed to be keeping something in his small fists.

"High Lord Rhysand, wait!" She calls out to him before he takes off.

He turns around, curious to hear what she wanted to say but she just pushed her brother forward. "Give it back, Vik," she says in a stern voice. The boy jutted his bottom lip out, "But I don't want to."

"It's not yours, darling. Go on, give it back."

Viktor walked forward, and lifted his hand towards Rhysand. Resting on his palm was the ring that Rhysand was just wearing a few minutes ago. How the boy got it off him, he didn't know. "Keep it. I have many of those anyway."

There was an undeniable glint in the boy's eyes when he told him that he could keep it. Excitedly, the boy ran back to his sister, clutching the ring in his little fingers. Rhysand meets Callaghan's grateful gaze and he nods at her before finally flying off.

Maybe dealing with the devil was a good idea.


[ notes! ]

double update?? wHaat?

i cant believe this was longer than the first one jenfsdjknv

dw the next would be much shorter vjfdnbj

alSo,,, is it bad that i still haven't read ACOSF :<

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