Chapter 13

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"How are you going to get revenge ?" I asked

"Jin and Namjoon gave me some tips."

"Where are they now ?"

"Somewhere in Korea, it's Jin who pays my rent."

"But you'll need partners." I said worried

"Don't worry, I already thought about it

Do you remember the man you met ? You know the one who was holding the gun."

The man ? Holding a gun ?

"OHH ! The man you beated."

"Exactly, well, his boss contacted me."

"Are you kidding me ? Did he threatened you ?"

"No, he smiled, I think that he already knows about my revenge."

"How ?"

"He said that he has his sources."

"Did you find a plan ?"

"Yes, I talked with Yoongi and we found one."

"Yoongi ?"

"The boss' name." He answered

"And what am I going to do ?"

" You ? You'll stay here safely."

"No way ! I have to get my revenge too."

" I will take your revenge, don't worry."

"No ! You won't leave me here alone stressed out while you are fighting."

"So you'd rather risk your life with me than be safe ?"

I nodded energetically

"OMG, , you're so dumb." He said

"I know."

"Yoongi asked me...

I glared at him

"Humm I mean, now us, to meet him at an address."

"When ?"

"Tomorrow, 1 pm."

"Okay !" I said while yawning

I was so tired and directly fell asleep now that I have all the answers.

Jung Hoseok POV:

She yawned and started to bend over.

She was about to fall but, luckily, I grabbed her and laid her on my bed.

I lay down next to her, and I fell asleep too while looking at her peaceful face.

The next day


I woke up and tried to move but I couldn't.
I opened my eyes and saw Hoseok's  face a few inches from my face.

He was hugging me, I tried to move his arms but he just tightened his grip around me, I eventually gave up.

I looked at his face and couldn't help but smile, I was so lucky to have my childhood friend by my side.

"I missed you" I said, then I kissed his forehead, then I felt so comfortable in his arms that I fell asleep again.

Hoseok POV :

I was watching her sleeping when she started to move.

I quickly closed my eyes and pretended I was asleep.

I stayed like that for a bit when I heard her say

"I missed you"

Then, she kissed my forehead.
It was with difficulty that I managed not to smile.
I was so happy that she waited for me.

And now that I'm with her, I'll do anything to make her happy.

Now, she's my priority number 1.


I really hope you liked it,
Stay safe!

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