Chapter 8

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A strong wind swayed Sasuke's hair revealing his Rinnegan. He was still focused on the kid in front of him.

"What should we do, Mr. Sasuke?" Konohamaru asked.

Sasuke did not answer and kept staring at the boy lying unconsciously on the ground.

"Let's head back to the village and take this boy with us," Sasuke said.

Konohamaru and Moegi nodded. Konohamaru was the one responsible for the boy. He carried him on his back. All of them head back to the village to let Naruto know about the situation.

"What do you mean Boruto was swallowed by a black hole together with the strangers, Sasuke? Naruto blurted. He stood up from his chair.

"Calm down, Naruto. Let Sasuke finish explaining." Shikamaru scolded him.

"I cannot this time," Naruto muttered.

"Even my Rinnegan could not keep up. It was also an unknown dimension, I haven't gone there yet." Sasuke added.

"What the hell is going on?" Naruto asked.

A knocked on the door interrupted the tension inside the Hokage's office. It was Sakura.

"The boy is stable but he hasn't gained consciousness until now." She said. Sakura came near them.

"All you genins, you can leave now," Naruto ordered.

"But Boruto..." Sarada said with a sad tone.

"Leave this problem to us higher-ups. Get some rest." Naruto said. Sarada stared at the floor. Though she was protesting inside her head, she could not say a word in front of them.

Sakura gazed at her daughter with a sad face. Sarada and the rest of the genins left the room.

Knocked on the door that caught their attention. The door opened soon enough revealing Sai. Naruto called out for him with Ino.

"Glad you come to quick Sai and Ino," Naruto said. The couple nodded as a response.

"Why do you call us all of a sudden?" Sai asked.

Shikamaru explained everything to them.

"Sai, I want you to investigate the situation. Sasuke will work with you too. And Ino, I want you to focus on the kid. If you can extract data about the kid as soon as possible that will be a big help." Naruto said. Ino and Sai agreed.

After their rush meeting, all of them left the Hokage's office except for Shikamaru.

"How will you explain everything to Hinata?" Shikamaru asked. Naruto did not answer. He did not know what to say.

Shikamaru stared at him for seconds, waiting for him to respond.

"Hinata will understand for sure." Naruto confidently said. Shikamaru kept his stares at him and then spoke.

"I think I need to relieve my stress out for a bit. I'll have a stick. Call me if you need anything." He walked out of the room. Naruto sighed and stood up from his seat. He looked out the window.

"Boruto..." he murmured.

"Is Himawari asleep?" Naruto asked his wife.

"Yeah, she just got to bed but Boruto hasn't home yet," Hinata replied with a worried face. Naruto's face saddened. Hinata noticed his reaction when she mentioned Boruto.

"Naruto..." she called him calmly. Naruto looked at her. Hinata was looking directly into his eyes. Naruto could not hide his fret, Hinata sees it.

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