22. A Glimpse of the Old Times

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"I'll throw the tracker, till then you take over the wheel."

"I-I can't."

"I'll seriously kick you out." Dae Ho deadpans, propping one leg on the seat, while the other stays on the accelerator. He lets go of the steering wheel and Haneul quickly wraps his fingers around it.

"Do it fast," he titters, training his eyes on the road. "I don't want to die today."

Vee's car is up ahead but Dae Ho isn't able to get a clear shot due to the SUV covering it. "Move to the right."

"Huh? But there's a car on our right."

"And how is that a problem? Just move till we don't crash into it."

Haneul scoffs, muttering a quiet, "You're still an insufferable, rude brat." He steers the car with caution, dipping his head down when the woman in the next car raises her brow.

"Keep steady now," Dae Ho says adjusting his position to throw the tracking device. He aims it at Vee's car, the gadget latching itself in one throw. The charcoal-haired man slips back into the car with a huff, taking over the wheel again.  He pushes a few buttons on the dashboard touchscreen. "Pandora, tracker 37 is on his car now."

"Got it, boss!" Choi Yoon's voice booms through the speakers. A few seconds later a map opens up on the screen, pointing at the location of their and Vee's cars. A lopsided smile kisses Dae Ho's face, his forehead lines fading. He presses on the gas pedal, speed increasing and maneuvering through vehicles. They're just behind Vee's car but another vehicle cuts through them from the left lane.

"Damn it!" Dae Ho punches the horn when the car stops at the red light, and Vee's car drives off.

"You put a tracker on him, so calm down." Haneul draws the younger's attention. "You being antsy can cause an accident."

"The tracker doesn't work if he distances more than fifty meters."

"Why'd you get such a cheap tracker then?" The doctor shrugs, followed by a giggle from Yoon.

Dae Ho stomps the accelerator, throwing a glare at his side. Haneul jerks due to the sudden bolt, slapping his hand against the window to steady himself. The ride then is a blur. The red and fluorescent lights of the cars, yellow lights of the street lamps, and busy roads clear into one broad lane, the area beyond the sidewalk covered in green, a few trees along the trail. The place is darker than before, Dae Ho switching on the headlights, and Vee's car about three meters away. "Haneul, get into the seat behind me and put on the seatbelt."


"Because I'm low on petrol and this is a long road."

"And...?" Haneul tilts his head with a slight shake.

"I already told you this isn't a smooth drive you take for fresh air." Dae Ho gives a stolid face, clicking his tongue. "Seriously how stupid are you?"

"How am I supposed to understand when you talk so cryptically?" The doctor bites back with a frown.

"Just do as I say."

Haneul unlatches his seatbelt, props his hands on the door panel and the driver's seat, turns to pull one of his legs over the armrest, and struggles to move his body between the seats until a palm pushes him with force. He falls in the back but not before bumping his head on the roof. Murmuring a few curses, the doctor yanks the seatbelt but it locks due to the safety system. "Oh, lord!" The blue head grunts in irritation, slowly pulling the strap and buckling it.

"Hold on tight," Dae Ho instructs cracking his knuckles and changing the gear, the car picking up speed. They come on par with Vee's car, the man side glancing at them and trying to distance himself but with a swift turn of the wheel, Dae Ho's car crashes into the other's vehicle.

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