Can't Buy Me Love: Part 1

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As Daphne waited for Harry outside Myrtle's toilet she did her best to process the last few hours. Her parents were not at all furious with her decision to help Harry and they had even pledged their equal support. She had anticipated having to spend at least an hour or two convincing them that she hadn't lost her mind but it in fact had taken mere minutes. The rest of the afternoon was spent talking about what she knew and strategizing how best to work with Harry within the walls of Hogwarts. Her father and mother were originally dubious but ultimately both agreed with her strategy. The look her mother gave her when she was explaining it was a bit disconcerting but she quickly dismissed it. Now the hard bit would be convincing Harry.

Her mind kept returning to what her father said as he gave her a slightly less formal and more emotional embrace than normal when they said goodbye. "Your mother and I always thought Tori was the bravest of us and chalked it up to her having less to lose given her condition. We're pleased to see you've proved us wrong ."

They had spent so long together strategizing she barely had enough time to get back to Hogwarts and change into her worst clothes for the return trip to the Chamber. Unlike last time she really did wear the worst things she had. Last time her ego hadn't allowed her to look this she felt stupid for ever worrying about such a thing.

As she spotted Harry walking towards her she could tell he was nervous...probably worried about how the meeting with her parents had gone. He was truly awful at hiding his emotions. She thought she could help him with that then wondered if she wanted to. It was quite endearing. Maybe she could help him a bit for when he spoke to everyone else.

Without a word they entered the toilet as she saw him stow away his remarkable map. After a brief conversation with Myrtle (where the ghost had been slightly more pleasant), Daphne found herself quickly at the bottom of the pipe and walking side by side with Harry. She could tell he was hesitant to ask how her parents reacted so she began speaking straight away.

"The meeting with my parents was brilliant. They were a bit shocked but weren't upset at all. They were actually proud of me and gave me a lot of good input."

She quieted, anticipating a response from Harry. When he remained silent she went on. "They offered to help you in any way they can. They even volunteered to take a blood oath as well to keep your secrets."

She again waited for a response but again was met with silence. After a few moments, she realized Harry was no longer walking beside her. She stopped and turned to see him ten feet behind her standing dead still.

"Just like that?" he finally blurted out.

"Just like what?"

He shrugged and continued. "When you told me you wanted to tell your parents I understood but thought they'd be furious. I just...they really want to help?"

"Is it that hard to believe people would follow you? You led that Defence group last year, right? The OWL results they received compared to mine made me furious if I'm being honest. And Hermione and Weasley seem to do everything they can to help as well."

Harry recovered a bit of his senses and smiled. "You're calling her Hermione now?"

"That's beside the point," she shot back. "We're getting off-topic. Answer the question."

Harry began walking again and responded, his gaze looking straight ahead. "It's just...there are people that believe in me to do the right thing and I guess they think I'm magically powerful...they just don't always listen to my ideas. I'm not used to it. They really want to help?"

"You are far too humble Harry. You are dealing with three Slytherins least pretend that you know what you are doing."

Harry laughed at her joke but remained silent. Daphne continued on.

Daphne Greengrass and the Importance of IntentTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon