Meet The Parents: Part 2

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Four hours and half a bottle later they had made it through the full explanation of the prophecy as well a a brief synopsis of Harry's exploits at school, going into more specific detail on anything related to his scar and his connection to Voldemort.

"Everything you have shared so far is fascinating and, frankly, terrifying. What can we do to help?"

Daphne spoke up. "You have access to information we don't have. I was hoping you could research and hopefully come up with something about this connection Harry has with Voldemort and the snake."

Harry joined in."There was one other thing...something I've been working on with the headmaster this year. He's been showing me memories of Voldemort when he was younger and a term has come up. We were hoping you knew it or could research it. We haven't found anything and Dumbledore isn't sharing. Have you ever heard of the term Horcrux?"

Her father stilled, losing all color. "You're serious."

"Cyrus?" her mother questioned, concerned at her father's grave expression.

He finally gathered himself and spoke. "You've said you had meetings with Dumbledore about this?"

"Yes sir. We've been reviewing various memories of Tom Riddle when he was younger and his family. The last one was a memory of Professor Slughorn's. When Riddle was a student he asked Slughorn about horcruxes. The memory was modified by Slughorn so I'm not sure what the professor told him and he isn't talking."

"Cyrus what do you know?" her mother asked.

"Give me a moment," her father replied as he stood up and walked to the far end of the room. She watched as her father muttered something and a door she never knew existed appeared.

As her father disappeared through the door Daphne felt a surge of adrenaline. It appeared they were finally going to get some answers. She noticed Harry was staring at the door, a similar expression on his face.

Her father returned a few minutes later with a rather large, rather old book. She couldn't pinpoint why but the book made her feel uneasy. He sat back down and began reading aloud, describing the foulest magic Daphne had ever heard of. It was repulsive...beyond her comprehension.

Daphne's mind was whirring as she watched Harry grab the book and begin rereading the passage once more. She gasped as she realized the implication. If the connection was based on horcruxes it not only meant Voldemort had made more than meant Harry was a horcrux.

"The diary," Harry muttered. "Riddle's diary was a horcrux."

"I believe you are right Harry," her father said. "And if Daphne's hypothesis about your connection with Voldemort is correct than it may mean-"

"The snake is a horcrux...and I'm a horcrux," he stated unemotionally.

Her father poured a drink and wordlessly slid it across the table to Harry.

The silence seemed to drag on. Her mother whispered to her father then began speaking as they stood to leave. "Your father and I will eat dinner with Astoria. I think it would be best for Harry if you two stayed in here. Just let Winky know when you'd like to eat." With one more worried glance at Harry they left.

"I'm a horcrux," he repeated.

"We don't know that for sure Harry," she replied. "It could be-"

"Daphne don't," he interrupted. "You were right. It's's good. It means our plan may work."

Daphne was furious. She wanted to scream at Harry...tell him he shouldn't want to die...didn't need to die. She wanted to scream at her parents for not helping end Voldemort the first time around. Scream at Dumbledore for helping to create a person so willing to die. But none of those things would help. She needed to think. Harry needed her to think.

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