Meet The Parents: Part 1

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When they approached her parents Daphne was still buzzing at the rush of getting to tell Dumbledore off politely for what he had subjected Harry to over the years. She was so caught up in the moment that she failed to start worrying about Harry meeting her parents. By the time she had refocused her attention Harry had already greeted everyone and seemed calm and assured.

Daphne noticed her mother's eyes subtly flick to Harry and her enjoined hands. She realized she was still rubbing Harry's hand with her thumb but didn't stop.

As they passed the Hogwarts gates it finally dawned on Daphne that Astoria was still with them. She mentally cursed herself. She needed to stay focused and stop getting distracted. Daphne had already had to lie once to Astoria to prevent her from joining them. Astoria was too sharp to fall for it a second time.

She was furiously devising a strategy when she heard Harry speak. He looked nervous. "Are we walking to Hogsmeade? I assumed we would be taking a carriage."

Her father responded. "We were planning on apparating to our home so we would have added privacy and security. I trust that is acceptable?"

This was brilliant. Her parents were brilliant. Astoria could spend time in other parts of the house while they discussed their project. She should have known her parents had planned everything out.

Harry, however, did not seem so enthused. He released her hand and moved it to hover over his wand, seemingly prepared for an attack.

"Harry what is-"

"Ask them something only you would know, Daphne," Harry stated seriously.

"I don't think that's-"

Her father interrupted her and nodded respectfully to Harry. "Mr. Potter is right to be cautious Daphne. Go ahead."

She was still getting her bearings when Astoria decided to help.

"What was Daphne's favorite book when she was younger?"

She was going to kill Astoria.

Her father was taking entirely too much pleasure in answering. "Harry Potter and the Hungry Hippogriff."

Harry looked at her questioningly, confused but pleased. She reluctantly nodded her head and began planning what method she would use to kill her sister. Then she had a thought.

"Mum needs to answer a question as well." She smiled and looked at Astoria, reveling as she watched her sister's smug expression quickly morph to one of panic. Death was too easy for her sister...she deserved to suffer.

"Who did Astoria say she was going to marry when she was five?"

"Daphne! Ask a different question," Astoria demanded. Harry looked intrigued.

Her mother replied. "Astoria, what's the Hogwarts motto? 'Never tickle a sleeping dragon.'"

She turned to Daphne and replied. "I believe it was Draco Malfoy."

"Mother!" Astoria gritted out in hushed anger. "I was five Harry!"

As Astoria continued to fume Harry leaned in and whispered in Daphne's ear. "I definitely picked the right sister. You have much better taste"

Her father moved to stand beside her and spoke. "My apologies, Mr. Potter. Going forward we will make sure to follow the same procedure." He then looked to his two daughters. "Using less embarrassing questions."

"While we apparate the girls I thought you could call your elf and have her take you. A little extra bit of security."

Harry nodded his agreement. "That sounds good...and you can call me Harry."

They had a companionable lunch with Astoria before the four retired to her father's den to begin the real discussion. She could tell her parents, especially her mother, were already being charmed by Harry's sincerity and humility.

As they sat down her father paused to grab a bottle of firewhiskey and several glasses. At Harry's questioning look he explained. "Based on the limited amount of information Daphne has provided about you Harry I am fairly confident this will be needed."

Harry nodded and spoke. "Shouldn't we place a privacy charm on the room? Astoria seems like she would be the type to curious about our meeting."

Her mother's laughter seemed to shock Harry. Her private demeanour was so different than how she acted in public. Daphne was thrilled that she felt comfortable enough to share this with Harry already.

"You are quite right. That is why this room has a permanent silencing charm. Daphne and Astoria have proven to be quite...insistent on knowing everything over the years."

"I like to think of it as having a thirst for knowledge," Daphne interjected.

"Keep thinking that dear," her father answered, much to Harry's amusement. "I suppose we should start with the oath?"

Daphne nervously handed over the version of the oath she and Harry had taken. She had not felt comfortable sharing it in a letter so this would be the first time her parents would see the final version. She held her breath as she watched her father read the parchment before handing it to her mother to review. His eyes turned to Daphne and she maintained eye contact, silently conveying that she realized precisely the consequences of what she had agreed to.

To Daphne's surprise it was her mother who spoke. "If we agree to this oath we are allowing you to carelessly expose our involvement with no ramifications. Is that right Mr. Potter?"

Based on his expression Daphne could tell Harry noticed her mother had purposely addressed him more formally. Daphne's stomach sank. Perhaps her parents weren't willing to make such a leap of faith. She wanted to speak but Harry's pointed stare kept her quiet. The message was clear. He had remained silent while she handled the headmaster and now it was her turn to let Harry take charge.

Harry turned back to her mother and replied. "This is the oath I'm asking you to take so you aren't punished for making an honest mistake Mrs. Greengrass. I'm willing to take something more severe if that's what you need."

Her mother looked gobsmacked. Daphne wondered if this is what she looked like the first time she'd been confronted with Harry's blunt approach. She purposely stopped herself from smirking.

Her father cleared his throat to get everyone's attention. "Amanda and I need a few minutes to discuss this privately. If you will excuse us." Based on his expression she already knew her father would agree.

Once her parents left they sat in silence for several minutes before Harry spoke.

"So the hippogriff...was it trying to eat me?"


"The hippogriff in the story. Was it trying to eat me? Is that why it's called 'The Hungry Hippogriff.'"

" You found it in a cave while you were exploring and thought it looked hungry so you fed it an apple. Then he followed you home because you were nice and became your pet. He joined you on your adventures after that."

"That sounds like something I would do," Harry replied, doing his best to look serious. "But hippogriffs like ferrets and rats...not fruit. Did I give him a name?"


"Hoppy the Hippogriff?"

Daphne smiled, the tension of waiting on her parents to return temporarily forgotten. "Well don't look at me, you named him."

They burst out laughing at the same time, stopping quickly as her parents reentered.

As they took their seat her mother immediately reached for the firewhiskey and poured a glass, drinking it in one gulp. She smiled ruefully at Daphne and spoke. " Let's make this oath quickly before I change my mind."

They completed the oath and Daphne felt a strong sense of deja vu as Harry slowly slid the parchment detailing the prophecy across the table. Daphne wondered whether one bottle of firewhiskey would be enough by the time they were finished talking.

Daphne Greengrass and the Importance of IntentWhere stories live. Discover now