Good Will Hunting: Part 1

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As she approached the Hospital Wing doors she realized this was the second time she had visited the place in the last week. That matched the sum of the visits she had made in her first five and half years at the school. This was by far, in her opinion, the worst side effect of existing within Harry Potter's orbit.

She pushed the doors open and spotted him immediately, asleep and peaceful. The fact Madam Pomfrey was nowhere in sight was a good sign as it meant any crisis had been taken care of. Her logical side was appeased but the other part of her still needed reassurance. She quickly made her way to his bedside and fully relaxed once she saw the peaceful rise and fall of his chest signifying that he was in fact, breathing. Seeing him so relaxed and serene was oddly calming. She could have stayed there the rest of the day and just watched.

"He's fine," Ron said from across the room. "He had a cracked skull but Madam Pomfrey fixed him up straight away...said he'd be out for a few hours though."

She turned to see that Hermione was sitting with Ron, a worried expression on her face. "It's horrible isn't it? I've seen him like this so many times over the years and it never gets any easier. I'm going to strangle Cormac."

'Who is Cormac?' thought Daphne before realizing she must mean McLaggen. No need to remember that toe-rag's first name.

A new voice came from the entrance doors. Daphne looked to see that the entire Gryffindor Quidditch team (except for the toe-rag) was making their way toward them.

"No need, Hermione. My new favorite Slytherin here has already helped settle things. Well done Greengrass," said Ginny. She looked slightly friendlier this time although that wasn't saying much. "McGonagall wants you to stop by her office later by the way. You left too quickly for her to assign you detention."

"What did you do?" asked Ron, nearly bursting with anticipation.

"I assaulted McLaggen in a sensitive area slightly below the neck," she meekly answered.

Ron looked very pleased while Hermione seemed to be trying, and failing, to look scandalized.

"It's a pity that Keepers wear so much protection," Ron said through his laughter. "You could have really driven the point home."

"I may have also vanished his padding before the assault," Daphne clarified, doing her best not to smile.

"Legend!" Ron shouted. Hermione had given up all pretense of looking disappointed and was now chuckling. Daphne turned to see that the entire herd of Gryffindors were beaming as well.

This had to be a first: A Slytherin not only becoming a hero to the House of Lions but doing so for assaulting one of their own. Having that many people in scarlet and gold smiling at her just felt wrong. Good but wrong.

She noticed that Ginny was now looking down at her and Harry's enjoined hands. When did she start holding his hand? She quickly let go and made her way over to Ron and Hermione, suddenly uncomfortable in the spotlight.

"How are you feeling Ron?" she asked.

"Fine, fine," he answered. "Pomfrey said I can escape in a day or permanent damage done. Lucky Harry thought of the bezoar so quickly...a minute or so more and it could have been curtains."

"Wait," Daphne interjected, "Harry was the one who thought of the bezoar?"

"Let me guess," Ginny chimed in affectionately as she made her way to Ron's bedside, "Harry just mentioned the bezoar and not the fact that he was the one who thought of it while Slughorn was panicking."

"It's nice to meet you by the way," Ginny continued as she stuck out her hand, "I'm Ginny." Daphne could tell she was doing her best to be friendly. She was pretty. Too pretty.

Daphne Greengrass and the Importance of IntentOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz