Stand By Me: Part 1

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Having to study Ancient Runes before midday had always been torture for Daphne. As interesting as the subject was at its core it was just. so. dry. It was crucial to anyone who wanted to gain a deeper understanding of magic but a subject so focused on memorization and translation would always be a slog.

Not getting to bed until four in the morning and then having to suffer through Tracey's smug interrogation over breakfast about where she had been only added to the torture. She could have sworn Astoria kept smiling at her from the Hufflepuff table as well but she may have just been paranoid.

She typically did not arrive early to Runes but today she had made an exception in part to end Tracey's questions but most importantly to have time to write to her parents. As it was now Wednesday and she needed to make arrangements to meet with them on Saturday it was imperative that this be sent as quickly as possible without raising suspicion. She thought briefly about requesting to floo call them but realized any room with a workable floo also most likely contained a portrait. This was too important...she couldn't take the risk. Harry knew better about these sorts of things and she knew she should take his advice. She had the feeling he had to learn the hard way and she was determined not to make the same mistake.

After taking her customary seat in front she began to write:

Dearest Father and Mother,

A remarkable business opportunity has come up for our family and I would like to speak with you both as soon as possible on how to proceed. I am hoping you will be able to come to Hogwarts on Saturday so we can discuss in person.

Please reply at your earliest convenience whether we can meet on Saturday. What I need to talk to you about requires a quick decision and I would greatly appreciate your thoughts.

Your devoted daughter,


P.S. Please have Father ensure he has a very large space available at one of our storage locations. If the opportunity comes to fruition delivery may be possible by Saturday night.

She mentally wretched at the formal and cold tone she had purposely used in addressing her parents but she knew it would ensure they would change whatever plans they had so they could meet on Saturday.

She remembered how she thought it was a joke when her mother had sat her down the day before she left for Hogwarts for the first time and gave her explicit instructions.

"Your father and I know that we have instructed you how to act publicly but never forget we know that is NOT you. If you ever send me a letter and address me as 'Dearest mother' or other such nonsense I will know you will have either lost the plot or something is seriously important that needs to be addressed."

"Mum, you know I would never-" Her mother stopped her immediately.

"Let me explain Daphne. If you ever call me that privately your father and I will be at Hogwarts in a flash...but not because we think you are becoming one of them. It's always a possibility but we know we've raised you better than that...we know that you are better than that. We will be there because it will mean you need us and we will there for you and Astoria."

"So it's a code then? That I need something?" Daphne had asked.

"Exactly," her mother had replied. "Either you've started to become an insufferable idiot and we need to knock some sense into you as soon as possible or you urgently need to talk to us and want to be discreet."

"Mum you are being paranoid," Daphne had replied condescendingly at the time.

"Just humor your mother and remember please Daphne."

Daphne Greengrass and the Importance of IntentWhere stories live. Discover now