Heat: Part 2

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The rest of the week passed by relatively quickly and most importantly...quietly. Daphne and Harry's coming out party in the Great Hall seemed to satisfy everyone's curiosity as they moved on to other topics to gossip about. Harry had shared how disappointed Lavender had become with them...repeatedly commenting on how boring they were. She made Harry smile when she countered that "exciting is overrated." Even Tracey had been exceedingly quiet when the three had studied together. Which was very weird.

Her fellow Slytherins' comments had become more cutting but that she could deal with. Amazingly Draco hadn't said a thing to her...limiting his actions to glares and whispered comments to his friends. Mostly though he just looked thoroughly miserable and stared out into space. Astoria was right. Something had changed about him recently and it was starting to unnerve her. She had not yet mentioned Hermione's comment about Draco to Harry because she didn't want to start another argument between the two. She resolved to ask Astoria what she thought was going on.

Seeing Harry walking toward her roused her out of her thoughts. They were set to meet her parents and though he was doing his best to hide it she could tell he was nervous.

"Everything okay Harry?" she asked as they began walking toward the entrance doors.

"What? Oh yeah...just want everything to go okay today."

She mimicked his action from earlier in the week and nudged him on the shoulder. "It's fine Harry...everything is fine. Just talk to them like you talk to me and they will l-...be impressed with you as much as I am."

She had been so focused on Harry's demeanor that she had not realized how nice he looked. Really, really, nice. She had already warned her family not to judge him by the clothes he wore but apparently it wasn't necessary.

"Looking sharp today Harry. Are those new?"

"Really?" he asked, genuinely pleased that she approved. "Winky took my measurements and did some shopping for me. Between her and Madam Malkin I think they did all right. It feels good to look halfway decent."

Daphne thought he looked more than halfway decent before...now though...Harry's voice broke her out of her thoughts.

"I was wondering...there is a Hogsmeade weekend coming up in a couple of weeks. Would you maybe help me pick out some more clothes? I'd like to get some more casual things and I honestly have no clue."

Daphne quickly squelched the part of her that thought Harry was asking her out on a proper date. 'He just needs my help...wants my help.'

"It's fine if you have other plans...I'll just-"

"No," she blurted. "I'd love to help...although I'm sure your taste is fine. Besides, we're dating. Everyone would lose their minds if we didn't go together."

"Great!" he exclaimed, clearly relieved. I promise we won't spend all day picking stuff out...I think that would do my head in. The rest of the day we can do whatever you'd like. My treat."

Despite her best efforts the date sentiment bubbled back up to the surface. As she saw her family come into view she spoke. "There is a cafe just off of the main street I've heard is quite nice. The Three Broomsticks is fine but I'd fancy something quieter and out of the spotlight I think."

"It's a date," he replied, this time with a bit of hope and excitement in his voice.

And then Dumbledore appeared...as if he was waiting for the precise moment Harry felt a bit of enthusiasm so he could squash it. Based on how Harry had been treated she wouldn't put it past him.

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