Chapter 32

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*This is based off an episode from Criminal Minds*
Featuring big brother Derek 😎🥺

I walk into the BAU around 8:20 A.M. Derek already at his desk. Surprisingly, Penelope wasn't waiting there to greet me like usual mornings. I sit at my desk with a smile. "Good morning, hotshot!" I say to Derek.

He looks up at me from his desk. "Morning," Derek looks around the office from his desk. "Where's Greenaway?" He asks, looking back at me.

"Oh- she's on her way to Texas!" I look up from my desk to Derek, a smile on my face. "She's going to consult for a case there, isn't she just amazing?  Elle is really great with cases and just everything in general-"

Derek cuts my rambling off with his laughter, "You're really swooning for her, aren't you?" My face immediately goes red, earning another laugh from Derek. "Aww Hallie Allie is in loveee!"

I bite my lip to hold in my big smile, "Yeah, I really am..."

About two hours later, JJ calls us all in the the round table room. Derek and I sat next to each other, along with Spencer and Penelope beside us. Gideon in his usual spot, JJ standing with Hotch.

"Hostage situation," JJ says as she turns on the live feed. I don't pay much attention to the live feed and listen to Hotch.

"Five hostages, train car crossing through a rural area of Texas. The unsub is a passenger, shot the security guard, holding the rest hostage." Hotch says, sighing.

As soon as the word "Texas" slips from Hotch's mouth I look directly at the black and white live feed. I scan every passenger. My heart sinks to my stomach as my eyes see her. Elle. She appears in the bottom corner of the screen, handcuffed to the seat. No..

I'm unable to focus on anything but her as my breathing speeds up.  Tears begin welling in my eyes as Derek shakes me and turns my head with his hand.

"What is it?"  Derek asks, his hands on my shoulders.  I open my mouth to speak but the words don't form.  I lift my shaking hand to point to the live feed on the screen, everyone turning their heads to look.

"It's Elle." Spencer says. Derek pulls me into his arms as the words leave Spencer. I bury my face into his shoulder.

"Wheels up in ten." Hotch says. 

I'm barely able to process what's going on. Derek carrying me, my face buried in his shoulder, his arms holding me, whispering to try and calm me down.  "We are going to save her, she'll be okay."  I tightly shut my eyes as Derek carries me to the bullpen, holding back my tears.

"I'm sorry." I whisper.

We sit in a car on the dirt road beside the train.   Hotch in the front.  Derek with me in the back, his arm wrapped around me as I sit on his lap.  My head rests in the crook of his neck, taking deep breaths as we wait before going out of the car. Derek's hand rubbing my back. Spencer and Gideon in the other car.

"Hallie, you need to calm down," Hotch starts, looking at me from the rear view mirror.  If I wasn't intimidated by you Hotch, I'd so be flipping you off right now.  "Don't let people see you like this."  He says. Get off my dick, Aaron Hotchner.

Derek continues rubbing my back.  At this point, I'm a mixture of worry and anger.  The woman I love with all my heart is in danger.  And we are doing nothing.  "Waiting" before we go out to make the unsub nervous. I just want Elle back.

Another ten minutes go by, I'm able to compose myself before we get out of the car. I step onto the dirt road, Derek beside me.  Gideon and Spencer also getting out of their car and walking towards us.

"Don't look at the train, we need to seem uninterested." Hotch says, also getting out the car. We all avoid looking at the train.

I look at the ground, thinking about Elle as they talk about the unsub.  Derek's arm wraps around my shoulder, pulling me into his side.  "We are going to get her," Derek whispers in my ear as the rest continue speaking about the case. "Relax, Hallie." I nod my head and focus my attention back on Hotch, Gideon, and Spencer.

"I think he means a chip, maybe a tracker of some kind, something to monitor him." Spencer says, deep in thought. "He thinks the 'Higher Authority' put it there and is watching his every move..."

"We have to take it out, he'll let them go." Gideon suggests.

"Yeah but there's no chip in his arm."  I cross my arms over my chest as I finally speak up.

Spencer takes out his phone, then starts taking out the SIM card. Spencer proceeds to explain how he can trick the unsub into thinking a chip is being taken out of his arm with just a simple magic trick.

"You can't go alone, no way."  Derek scoffs.

"Our unsub won't respond well to an 'alpha male'.  We will tell him that Reid is just a—" Hotch says.

"I'll go with him." I say, cutting Hotch's statement off.

Hotch raises an eyebrow, "You are not stepping on that train, Rodriguez."  I roll my eyes.

"Hallie," Derek taps me on the shoulder, I face him.  "You aren't in a good state right now." He says.

I scoff, "What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

"Elle is on that train right now.  The woman you love."  Derek says, putting his hands on my shoulders.

"That's exactly why I should be going on-" I start speaking but Derek quickly cuts me off.

"Look me in the eye and tell me you won't do something stupid."  He says in a stern voice.  I meet his eyes, we both know how this will end. "You are not going on that train Hallie and that's it." I scoff and roll my eyes before stepping slightly away from Derek.

They start prepping Spencer to go onto the train. Worry fills me as Spencer starts walking towards the train.  My jaw clenches, I ball my hands into fists. Hands go on my shoulders someone approaches from behind. They turn me around and I look up to see Derek.

"You shouldn't watch this, Hal" Derek says.  I look at him with disbelief.  "I know what you're thinking, but please.  Don't watch this, just wait for her.  Wait for Elle."

My lip starts to quiver as tears begin forming in my eyes.  I can't hold it in anymore.  The tears flow down my face.  Derek pulls me into his chest, he wraps his arms around me, holding me.  I cry into his chest, my bottled up emotion flowing out. 

Suddenly, nothing around me matters, not the case, not the team, nothing.  Nothing except her of course.  Elle. Derek is right for not letting me watch what's going on, he knows I'll break down immediately just from seeing Elle like that.  Handcuffed to a seat with her masked fear and worry, a cut along her cheek.

My sobs get weaker as my face stays buried in Derek's chest.  The soothing words Derek whispers don't register in my brain, he rubs my back.

I just want her back.

Continued next chapter!

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