Chapter 17

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Please take a moment of silence to just enjoy this picture of Elle above😌 This chapter is pretty long btw!

TW: Mentions of: sexual abuse, rape, self-harm, domestic abuse

Elle pulled away from my lips, smirking. Elle looked behind me, she looked like she had seen a ghost.  Before I turn around in confusion, the door closed.

"Omigod Omigod Omigod!" An excited/shocked Penelope voice behind me.  Instantly, I turn around and stand up.  "You—she-you were kissing!!"  A jumble of words about what Penelope had seen spilled out of her mouth.

Elle stood next me, I quickly glance at her. "Maybe we were..." Nervously, I respond while avoiding Penelope's eyes.

"Omigod Omigod!! You are dating aren't you?! Omigod you two lovebirds!" Penelope was practically jumping up and down. "You know-I always thought something was going on between you and Spence but this is much better!!"

Elle grabs my hand before saying anything, lacing our fingers together. "Yes, we are dating!" She answers with a smile on her face, the smile that just warms my heart.

"But you can't tell anyone, please Garcia." I cut in the conversation, allowing myself to look at Penelope again. She had a huge smile on her face.

"You got it, sapphics! How long have you been together?" Penelope asks as she pulls Elle and I into her arms for a hug.

"Almost a month"  Elle responds.

Penelope's eyes grow wide, "A month?  And-and I didn't know— that means..." Penelope's jaw dropped before smiling. "That hickey is from Elle!!!" Elle laughs beside me.

"Okay fine yes! It's from Elle..." I say, admitting it. And there's plenty more where that came from.

"I'm so happy for you, sweethearts! I may not be a profiler but I could tell something was going on between you two, can I just say you are just the cutest couple!" Penelope squeals. "Okay loves, I have to go back to my cave now, toodles! Mwah!" Penelope blows a kiss at Elle and I before turning around to go to her office.

"Lets see how long she lasts with this secret." I laugh as Elle and I walk out of the round table room together.

Elle laughs, "You're right, we will see." Elle moves closer to my ear as we walk to our desks. "Let's see how long you can keep your distance at work, shall we?"

"Is that a challenge, Greenaway?" I turn my head to face her, raising my eyebrow. She nods her head, laughing lightly. I move closer to her ear, "From the girl that just had her hands on my thighs and kissed me at work?" I whisper. "Don't think I'll be the one loosing this one."

Elle scoffed and rolled her eyes, playfully. "We'll see about that Rodriguez" Elle laughed as she walked away and to her desk.
We arrived at Texas, where our unsub had committed his murders and kidnapped women.  The team drove to the police station where we would work to solve our case. 

As we walked in, I felt eyes looking at me.  I looked around the room as Hotch spoke to the lead officer.  Middle aged men, surprise surprise.  Maybe it was the tightly-fitted skirt I was wearing, or how the top two buttons of my shirt had been unbuttoned, or how my hair draped over my shoulders that made these men stare.

I felt a tapping on my shoulder, bringing me back to reality.  "You okay?"  Elle asked softly.

I nodded my head, "Yeah I'm fine."  I lied.  In truth, I was worried about this case, crazy kidnapper.  I was anxious to see all these men staring at my body from their desks. My hands balled up into fists, holding my uncomfortable feelings.

After a few more minutes of standing around waiting, the sheriff led the team to a conference room.  I followed behind Hotch as two other policemen were at the doorway of the conference room.  I slightly moved behind Hotch as he spoke to the policeman.  One of the men's eyes had lingered on my body, he winked at me when meeting my eyes.  I kept my facial expression neutral, hiding my anger and not responding to his "flirting." How could men be this way? It was uncomfortable. Finally, Hotch finished talking and we walked inside the conference room.

We sat at the table, pictures of the victim's and crime scenes scattered across the table. Hotch had been speaking but I couldn't focus. My thoughts were filled with questions, why can't men just keep it in their pants? Why won't they stop looking at me? What had I done to deserve these eyes staring at my body, sexualizing me? Oh wait I know, being a woman.

"Rodriguez!" Hotch raised his voice slightly. Shit! "I've been calling your name for the past five minutes, what's going on??"

I blink a few times before speaking, Elle's eyes on me. "S-sorry... just lost in thought." I took a deep breath. "Can I just step out for a moment?" I asked. Hotch nodded his head before he continued looking at the pictures. As I stood up to walk out, I felt Spencer, Derek, and Elle looking at me.

I walked out of the police station, the middle aged men looking at me again(🙄). As I rushed out the door, I heard some of them whispering about me.  I continued walking outside, crossing the street to get the the grassy-park on the opposite side.

Memories of my ex-girlfriend came back to me.  Leona. I remembered how she used to love me in the beginning of our relationship. Everyone told us we were meant for each other, soulmates, perfect pair, two peas in a pod. But once we moved in together, it started. She'd get pretty drunk and became furious very easily with me. Leona had a bad temper and even the slightest thing I did triggered her anger. She'd get up and walk over to where I was. I remember feeling terrified, unable to do anything, she had me backed in a corner. Sure, you'd expect me out of all people to stand up to her, to do something, but I couldn't. Even though she was terrible to me, I loved her. She'd tell me how I unhappy I made her, how infuriated I made her feel, how I was a slut because I wore such tight clothing. Leona told me I was asking for it.

When I tried to stand up for myself is when she started getting physical. She'd punch me in my stomach and smack me until I had no tears left to cry. A few times she'd even force me to self harm. She sat with me in the bathroom, drinking her beer as I sat in the bathtub, cutting my arms. She said that if I didn't, she'd kill herself. I would tell myself it's just the alcohol she drinks that's making her do this.  She doesn't mean it, Hallie.  It's only the alcohol, she loves you don't worry.  On top of that, Leona forced me to have s*x with her even when I didn't want to.  Whenever someone from the team asked why I had bruises on my arms or legs, I'd say I fell over or I bumped into something.  I told everyone I was fine.  When really, I was practically dying.

Until one day, when I walked into the BAU sobbing.  Derek had finally realized what had been going on with me for months, Leona abusing me.  He had told the rest of the team and immediately they arrested Leona.  I sold the apartment I had with Leona, Derek let me say with him until he thought I was ready to move out.  When I moved with Derek, he'd try each night to get me to open up without pushing me too hard.  I told him how broken I was—not that he couldn't already tell—and how traumatized I had been. I had to go to therapy, slowly "fixing" myself.

No thanks to Leona, I formed trust issues. It had already been hard enough for me to trust people when I was happy with Leona and she just had to make it worse. Lucky for me, I met Elle, who made me feel safe. I truly felt like I could trust her with my life. Not once did Elle hurt me, she only made me happy.

Tears rolled down my cheeks while I sat in silence on the bench of the park. I wiped my eyes and spoke to myself, "Fuck you, Leona. You broke me." I got up and started to walk towards the exit of the park when I was hit in the head. World spinning as I fell to the ground. I pass out.
A/N: Some of the next few chapters will include Elle's POV.  After that, it will just be Hallie's POV again.

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