Chapter 19

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The man comes back again, this time with a gun in hand.  "Turns out, they did find you.  And now I get to kill you!"  He says happily.  Again, the tears fall from my eyes.  I try to speak but I can barley make up the words.  My body is in so much pain, I'm barely hanging by a thread.

He lifts me in the chair, making the chair face the door.  The man stands behind me, the gun pointed at my temple as I whimper.  I can faintly make out words coming from outside, "FBI!"

The man laughs as Elle and Derek open the door. Elle. They come with their guns pointed at the man. "Elle..." I whisper, my voice shaky from how scared I was and all my crying. Elle kept her face neutral but I could tell she was holding in all her emotions. Her eyes were starting to get glassy.

"So this is Elle? Your girlfriend right?" The man chuckles, as he presses the gun harder against my temple.

"PUT THE GUN DOWN, SOUTH!" Derek yells, with his gun pointed at the mans chest.

I slowly moved closer to Hallie. I look at her, tears streaming down her face, a cut on her neck, cuts and bruises on her arms and legs, tied to a chair. It broke my heart. But I know I need to stay calm.

"Put the gun down" I say, pointing my gun at Harry.  He laughs he almost pulls the trigger to Hallie's head when Derek shoots him, knocking Harry backwards.

Derek runs over to Harry as Hallie shakes in the chair, terrified. I run over to Hallie and quickly untie her, the tears falling out of my eyes as I pull her in my arms. "I'm sorry Hallie" My voice breaks while I whisper in her ear. She sobs into my shoulder. I hold her close and I never want to let her go.

Derek had taken Harry away, "Come on, let's get you out of here..." I whisper as I stand up with Hallie still crying in my arms. We walk out of the basement-room she was kept in.

Hotch approach's us when we get outside. "Hallie...are you okay?"

Hallie shakes her head before she buries herself in my chest, sobbing all over again. "Really, Hotch?" I scoff. I hold Hallie in my arms as I walk towards the ambulance.

"No! I don't want to go to the hospital.." Hallie steps back, looking into my tear-filled eyes.

"Please Hallie...I just want to make sure that you're okay, physically. You have bruises and scratches, everywhere..." I say, pulling her back into my arms.

She sniffles, "Fine..." she lifts her head, to look at me.  "Please don't leave me alone"

"I'm not going to...come one let's go."  I wrap my arm around her shoulder, walking with her to the ambulance.

2 hours later...

I sit in a chair next to Hallie's hospital bed.  The doctor said everything is fine with her, just the cuts and bruises on her arms and legs.  The cut on her neck needed stitches since it was so deep. She'd probably be discharged from the hospital soon and we'd be back and on our way to Quantico.

I held her hand in mine as she smiles gently. I hadn't seen her smile since she got out of there, makes me feel kinda better. "I'm happy you're okay" I say softly.

"I'm happy too" She whispers. Even in a hospital bed, she'd always look beautiful to me.

"Hallie, there's something I wanted to tell—" I'm cut off as Derek walks in the room, holding a bag.

"Hey, you've been discharged and I got you your go-bag, Hallie Allie." He laughs lightly and so does Hallie.

"Great! I can't wait!" Hallie smiles as she lets go of my hand and carefully gets out of the bed. She takes the bag of clothes and goes into the bathroom to change.

"Is she okay?" Derek asks me.

"Physically, yes...mentally?" I take a deep breath. "I don't know..."

"Are you okay, Elle?" Derek calls me Elle. He rarely did that it was usually 'Greenaway' or some flirty nickname.

I nod my head, "I'm okay now that she's safe." I say softly.

Derek clears his throat. "Do you love her?"
I felt a little better since I was back with Elle in her arms. Still, I was terrified. I could barely process what just happened to me in the past day. One second I'm getting kidnapped in a park that I've never been to the next I wake up in a creepy basement getting tortured. Then I get saved—which I'm grateful for—and it's scary.

I change my clothes but before I step out of the bathroom, I overhear what Elle and Derek are saying.

"Do you love her?" Derek asked Elle after clearing his throat. What is he doing? Does he know?

"I'm falling for her" I hear the soft words come from Elle.

"Listen...when Hallie is in love, she loves them with every ounce of herself. She'll push everything else aside just for that one person, no matter what." He pauses. I hate how correct he is. Curse you my non-blood related brother! "I don't want to see her get hurt again"

I wait to see if Elle responds but she doesn't. She's left speechless. So I decide to step out of the bathroom, putting on a fake smile. "Let's get the hell out of Texas." I say, laughing softly. Derek and Elle nod as we walk out of the room.

"So you and Greenaway huh?" Derek smirks as we step into the elevator. I stand in between the both of them.

"Shut up, Morgan." I tease him, hitting his arm gently. I take Elle's hand in mine.

"Whose the sub?" Derek laughs.

"Derek oh my god!" I exclaim as I hit him again.

Elle laughs beside me before responding, "If this stays between us then—" I quickly cut her off by putting my hand over her mouth, muffling her words.

Before I say something, Elle takes my hand off her mouth and quickly speaks, "Hallie is submissive and I'm the dominant one."  Elle laughs when I give her a death stare with my arms crossed.

Derek laughs, "I can't say I'm surprised..." Derek looks at me. "Oooo someone is mad" he smirks.

I eye roll at them before getting out of the elevator.  Of course I'm not actually mad but I didn't expect Elle to actually tell Derek...that

We walk outside and one of the SUVs is there. Elle steps in front me while Derek gets in the drivers seat. She turns to face me. I whisper softly, "Hi..."

She smiles lightly. Elle cups my face in her hands. Is she going to tell me she's falling for me? Elle continues to smile softly while she looks into my eyes. "What is it?" I chuckle softly.

"Nothing, I'm just so glad you're okay." Elle says before pulling me close and kissing me.  The feeling of her lips on mine coming back to me.  After a few seconds, we pull away and get into the backseat of the car, leaving Derek alone in the front.

Before I realize it, we are in the jet.  Everyone sleeping, I fall asleep on Elle's lap while wondering if the whole team knows about Elle and I dating.  Derek and Penelope know, Hotch, Gideon and JJ don't know...Spencer!  It'll hurt his feelings when he finds out...But why didn't Elle tell me she's falling in love?  Did what Derek said make her nervous?  I hope not...

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