Chapter 25

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I lay in my bed in my bedroom, the curtains closed, not a hint of light seen.  The team has the day off since we have no cases and my paperwork is completed.  I don't want to get out of bed so I just lay here, buried in blankets.  At some point, I started crying, I don't know why.  However, I made no effort to stop myself.

I look at the clock, 12:00 P.M.  Amazing how I've been in my bed doing nothing but cry since 9:30 this morning.  My phone rings on the nightstand next to me.  I groan, not wanting to pick it up.  I ignore the ringing phone.

My phone goes off again, this time with text messages.  I don't bother to get it, just lay on my bed with my tear filled eyes.  I should probably get up.... Never mind I don't want to. I blink my last few tears out of my eyes, staring off into the dark room. 

A hear a knock at my bedroom door that startles me, "Hallie, are you in there?"  A voice from the other side of the door calls out to me.  "I'm coming in now, whether you like it or not."  The door opens.  Still, I don't know who it is since the lights are off.  They find the light switch next to the door and flick it on.  I squint my eyes from the sudden burst of light. 

After few seconds of processing the light, I see a concerned and confused Elle.  Damn it.  I find a bit of motivation and sit up on my bed, still wrapped in a blanket.  "Hallie...why have you been crying?"  Elle asks softly, walking closer to me and lifts my chin with her hand.

Before I can even respond, the tears run down my face again.  Elle kisses me on my forehead and unwraps me from the blanket.  I hold back my sobbing noises as Elle pulls me into her embrace.  She places my head gently on her shoulder, cradling my head as I'm pulled onto her lap.  I wrap my legs around her waist, my arms wrapping around her torso, keeping her as close as possible.  

I hate being vulnerable around anyone. But Elle has basically won my heart over in the month and a half that I've known her.  She has become the person I feel safest with.  Elle is filled with warmth and security.  She's like... Derek except better.  I feel comfortable with Elle, I don't like crying in front of her but I'm comfortable.  All because I know she's there for me, whether it's to hold me in her arms or give me advice, she's there for me. 
Elle is my person.

I start to catch my breath again as Elle rubs my back.  She whispers in my ear, "Everything will get better, angel.  I promise..." She takes a deep breath.  "Can you tell me what's wrong now?"  Elle whispers.

I nod my head against her chest.  "I-I don't know... I've just been laying in bed all morning,"  I take a deep breath before continuing.  "Some point, I started crying and I-I'm not really s-sure why..."

Elle kisses my head, "That's okay, sometimes you just have to let it out..." She rubs my back again.  "You were kidnapped not too long ago, you have good reasons to express your feelings, Hallie"

I take my head out of her shoulder and sit up properly on her lap, face to face with her.  Her eyes study my face.  "Elle..." I whisper.

"Yes?"  She holds my hand in hers, giving me a soft smile.

"J'ai peur de dire ça en anglais car je ne sais pas si ty ressens la même chose... Je t'aime" I whisper in French, scared to admit my feelings.
(Translation: I'm scared to say this in English since I don't know if you feel the same...I love you.)

Elle shakes her head with a soft smile on her face.  "I don't speak French...but might learn it so I know what you're saying to me."

I kiss her cheek and give her a soft smile, "Un jour je te le dirai.  Nous ne sommes ensemble que depuis un mois dont je ne m'attends pas à ce que vous m'aimiez comme je vous aime..."
(Translation: One day I'll tell you.  We have only been together for a month so I do not expect you to love me like I love you...)

Elle raises an eyebrow as she holds me in her lap.  "¿Quieres jugar a ese juego?  Puedo hacerlo tambien."  She speaks in Spanish, thinking I don't know Spanish.
(Translation: You want to play that game?  I can do it too.)

I smirk, "¿Ah, de verdad?  Pero la broma es tuya, yo también puedo hablar español."
(Translation: Oh really?  But the joke is on you, I can speak Spanish too)

Elle's eyes widen in shock, I laugh.  "Haha, poor you.  Didn't know I can speak Spanish as well, huh?" I fake-pout, giving her puppy dog eyes.  She eye rolls jokingly.

Elle looks into my eyes and she cups one side of my face with her warm hand.  Her soft smile appears on her lips again.  Her overall facial expression displaying an emotion that I can't put my finger on. 

She leans in, our lips meet.  Butterflies flutter in my stomach as our lips mesh together gracefully.  The soft kiss taking all my worries away, sending a wave of relief over my body.  My arms wrap around her neck, pushing myself closer to her without leaving her lips.  Her cherry chapstick; a taste I can't get enough of.  Elle's other hand crawls around my waist, rubbing small circles on my skin as our lips continue to move together.

As much as I don't want to, I pull away breathlessly.  My eyes meet her captivating brown eyes, a smile appearing on her face.  I smile back and lean in, giving her a kiss on the corner of her mouth.  To my surprise, Elle stands up with me clinging to her body, legs around her waist, arms around her neck.  I giggle, "Whatcha up to Elle?"

She kisses my head as she carries me into the living room.  "Cuddling you, angel" Elle whispers.  My heart melts in my chest at her soft words. I tilt my head up and give her a peck on the lips.  She sits on the couch, not bothering to detach me from her body.  Elle, I love you.  Elle flicks through channels on the tv until she makes it to my favorite show, "The Office"

I giggle as I hear Michael's voice from the tv.  I get off of Elle and sit beside her instead, our thighs pressed together, my head on her shoulder.  She takes my hand in hers and lacing our fingers together, I smile softly from the action.

Few hours later, Elle decided she didn't want to leave me alone so she stayed.  She laid down on the bed as I finished turning off the lights.  She gives me a soft kiss before I lay on her chest.  Her arms holding me close while she places soft kisses against my head.  Elle's chest lightly rising and falling at each breath.

Elle's tense grip on me relaxes as her breath evens out, hinting that she's asleep.  I take a deep breath, "I love you, Elle."  I whisper into her embrace.

My eyelids get heavy.  I'm finally ready to sleep after creating a bunch of different scenarios in my head.  My eye start to close and I let my body shut down completely.  Relaxing each bone and muscle.  I start to fall asleep on Elle's chest, a white tank top that does a good amount of cleavage.  My eyes close, I fell asleep thinking about how much I love when Elle smiles at me.

A/N: What are your opinions on this chapter?  I'm not sure how I feel about it.

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