Chapter 10

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Warning: Cute couple 🙄

Elle pulls me onto her lap, wrapping her arms around my waist. I take one of her hands in mine and lace our fingers together.  "We should just stay like this instead of watching a movie."  She whispers softly.

I nod my head as I take my free hand, pushing back the hair from her face.  "Yeah, maybe."

I unweave our fingers and take both my arms to pull Elle's head closer to me, I angle my head to go towards her neck.  I wrap my arms around her neck as I hold her close.  Elle takes a deep breath against my neck, her warm breath sending tingles all over my body.  "Elle..." I whisper softly into her ear.

"Yes?"  Elle asks softly while she combs my hair with one hand, the other holding me by my waist.

"I'm really happy that you are mine..." I whisper again. I pull away and push Elle by her shoulders to lay down on the couch as I'm sitting on her waistline. After raising her eyebrows in surprise, she smirks at me. I giggle lightly, "Relax yourself, I'm just making you lay we can cuddle. If that's okay with you" I say like I'm asking a question, nervous as hell.

Elle laughs lightly, "I bet you could make me do a lot of things..." She whispers and winks at me. I gasp, quickly covering my mouth with my hands after I realize what she meant.  Elle laughs at my reaction. "I thought we were going to cuddle, Rodriguez?" Elle asks while trying to hold back the rest of her laughter.

I playfully roll my eyes at her before laying my head down on her shoulder, my body on top of hers. She wraps one of her arms around my waist, the other cradling my head. Our legs tangled with each other. Her chest falls and rises at each breath she takes.

After a few minutes of watching her chest rise and fall, my eyelids get heavy. Elle was still awake, her hand rubbing my back. I try to stay awake but my eyelids start to weigh down. I fall asleep on top of Elle after giving her a soft kiss on her neck.
I wake up on my side, Elle in front of me, holding me close in her arms, our legs tangled. She's face to face with me, her eyes closed. I smile softly to myself as I watch her sleep. To wake her up, I give her a gentle kiss on her lips. As I pull away, her lips turn to a small smile as she bats her eyelids open.

"We should get up, I'm hungryyy" I say softly as Elle looks me in the eye. She groans and pulls me closer against her body, showing she doesn't want to get up.  "Finee, but we should-"
I yawn in the middle of my sentence.  "Sorry- we should watch the movie thenn."

"Yeah we should...let's hope you don't fall asleep" Elle laughs softly as she holds me close.

30 minutes later...

Elle had turned on a scary movie. Just the thing to wake up to in the morning. As the movie went by, the jump scares constantly caught me off guard, scaring me each time.  I jumped every time in Elle's arms, startled from the scare.  Each time she reassured me that I was safe in her arms and nothing would happen.  I felt myself clinging on to Elle more, not wanting her to let go of me.  Is this what being in a relationship does to someone?  Make you clingy as hell?

"Want to know something that I like about you?"  Elle says as she gently moves hair away from my face.

"Sure, why not. What's the worst you could say?" I laugh softly.

Elle laughs softly as she runs her fingers through my hair. "You're so adorable and cute pretty often, I really like that about you."

"Me? How am I cute?"  I knew Elle thought I was cute but I wanted to know the reasoning behind it.

"Whenever we solve a case, you have the cutest smile on your face and your eyes light up,"  Elle pauses to take a deep breath.  Color rises in my cheeks as I think about Elle noticing such little things about me.  "When you're upset and you cross your arms with a frown on your face, you look adorable.  Scary and intimidating but also adorable."  We both laugh gently, she combs my hair with her fingers.  Had Elle really paid that much attention to me and I didn't notice? 

"Well that-that's interesting-"  The butterflies taking over my voice as I ask.

"Oh, but there's more to add...Whenever you're flustered or nervous, you have the cutest facial expression!  Especially when the blush fills your cheeks, like it did just now."  Elle says in her soft voice as she cups my face in her hand.  Her words made a warm and fuzzy feeling pass through me, a smile on my face.

Elle sits up on the couch and takes me with her on her lap.  "Any plans for today, babe?"  I blushed, babe? Usually, nicknames like that made me cringe just thinking about it. But the had name rolled off her tongue effortlessly, sending the warm feeling through me again.  It was perfect. She held me close to her and kissed my lips softly.

I pulled away as an idea came to mind. "Let's spend the day together!  It's the one weekends Hotch and Gideon gave us all off, we need to make good use of the break!"  I eagerly suggest as we both get up holding hands, walking to the kitchen.

"Just the day?  Are you saying you don't want to spend the whole weekend with me, Hallie?"  She asks, joking around with me.

"Well do you want to spend the whole weekend with me?"  I ask but I'm only half joking as I nervously wait for her response.  I lean against the island in her kitchen as she stands next to me.

"Yes I do..."  Elle trails off, something seemed wrong, I give her the 'what's up with you?' look"Will you go roller skating with me, Hallie?"  She sounds like she's trying to hide her nervousness.  I turn my whole body to face her, she does the same.

"Are you asking me on a date, Elle Greenaway?"  I raise an eyebrow at her even though I already knew the answer.

"Yes I am, Hallie Rodriguez."  Elle says as she takes her hand in mine.

"Good because I was going to say yes to both things."

"What other thing besides our date?"

"Spending the weekend with you!" I reply, very eager.

Elle takes me in her arms for a kiss while lifting me off of my feet.  Talk about being swept off my feet.
(Okay corny-couple ✋🙄)

Agent Greenaway (UNEDITED)・ CM FanFicTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang