Chapter 15

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I pace back and forth as Penelope talks about the case we were working on. "I gotta lot of dirt about this guy, honey." Penelope says as turns around watching me pace from her chair. "Why are you pacing, sweetheart?"

"Spencer...he has feelings for me" I whisper softly as Penelope raises her eyebrows. Penelope had shipped Spencer and I ever since we became close. But after my accident, we became pretty distant. I became distant.

"Did he tell you that?" Penelope asks, she looks very excited.

I'm about to answer when JJ bursts through the door. Perfect timing, just perfect. "Hey, umm Hallie can I speak to you?" Jennifer asks as she quietly closes the door. Penelope looks at both me and JJ before turning back to her computer.

"Sure." I respond as she opens the door to walk outside. "Is everything okay?" I ask her.

We stand outside PG's office. She gently grabs my hand, "Yes everything is fine. But I saw." I look at Jennifer, confused.

"Saw what exactly?" I ask her as she still holds my hand.

"The kiss...the one between you and Elle." What the hell is going on? "The whole team has been talking about it. Before we were able to fully close the case, we looked at the security cameras where you went undercover with Elle."

I scoff as I roll my eyes. "Do we really have to talk about this, JJ?"  I turn around, ready to run to my desk.

Jennifer grabs my arm. I turn around, JJ looking me in the eye. "You have feelings for her and you know it, Hallie. We all saw the look on your face after you kissed."  She's not wrong but I can't tell her anything about Elle and I.

"Don't make this a thing. It's not a big deal..." I pull my arm out of her grasp, I start to head down the steps.

"What's not a big deal?  The kiss or your feelings for her?" I quickly turn around, JJ had a smirk on her face. I shake my head at her.

I continue to go down the steps before running into Spencer. "Oh uh...hi Hallie" He says nervously. I glance over at Elle, sitting at her desk looking over at files.

"Hello hello, Dr. Reid!" I exaggerate the excitement in my voice as a shake Spencer's hand.

"Do you think that...we could talk later at Penelope's house? There's something I want to tell you..." He licks his bottom lip nervously.

"Of course we can!  See ya later, Kid Genius." I gently rub his arm in reassurance and smile before walking to my desk. I sit at my desk but before I do I look at Derek. He laughed in his seat. "The hell is wrong with you?" I ask him. Elle looks over at us.

"The way you smiled at pretty boy over there seemed more than just a friendly little smile." Derek says as he smirks. Sigh, if only he knew.

"I don't have feelings for him if that's what you are implying and not every smile means something. So what is it?" I raise an eyebrow, keeping my voice serious.

"He's a profiler is what it is. We all are." Elle interrupts. I analyze her facial expression, almost upset.

"Maybe you don't have the feels for him but he does for you, Hal." Derek suggests.  "You don't have feelings for him, you have feelings for—"

I cut him off immediately. "I'm telling you Morgan, I will hurt you if you finish that sentence." I narrow my eyes at him.  Elle raises her eyebrows with a smirk on her face.

"You got it, Rodriguez."  He threw his hands back, surrendering.  "We are all heading over to Penelope's now, you coming Rodriguez?"  Derek asks.

"Yeah, yeah I'll be there in an hour or so, gotta case to work on."  I respond, Derek nods his head before walking out with Spencer, JJ and Penelope catching up to them.  I was left alone with Elle, Hotch sitting in his office.  I look down at my case file and smile as an idea comes to mind.  I look up at Elle, "Hey Greenaway, want to help me out here?"

She looks over at me, then to Hotch's office before responding.  "Sure."  Elle got up and walked over to my desk.  I sat up in my chair as Elle placed her hand on the backrest of my chair. She hovered over my shoulder, one hand on my desk, her brown hair brushing against my arm. "What do you need help with?" Elle whispered softly into my ear, her breath tickled my neck.  I turned my head slightly to look her in the eye.  Well...f*ck.  I felt myself get nervous as Elle spoke, especially since she was so close.  "Something wrong, Hallie?"  She whispered as her eyebrow arched.

I clear my throat and turn my head back to look at the case, trying my best to focus.  Elle leaned in closer against me, her shoulder pressed against my back, her hair brushing my neck.  "W-well...I'm-I'm confused about this p-part..." I stop as I feel Elle closer to me, she had her arm wrapped around my shoulder. She moved the hand that was on the desk to brush against my thigh.  I didn't need to see her face to know she had been smirking. I take a sharp breath before continuing. "I don't understand why the killer would break the victims arms before raping them..."

Elle stroked my thigh with her hand as she spoke.  "He didn't want the victims to be able to stop him.  He needed to feel in complete control."  She whispered softly, she had been right next to my ear.  Her gentle voice tickling my ear.  Elle, you're driving me crazy!

I take a deep breath but before I can respond, Elle grabbed me by my chin.  My heart skipped a beat before starting to beat faster.  Her grasp on my chin was firm, but not enough to hurt me.  She turned my chin to be face to face her, looking me in the eye.  I was basically melting by that point, cheeks drowning in my blush.  Elle knew what she was doing, but continued with a smirk on her face.  I try to avoid her gaze but she doesn't let me.  She lifts my chin so I meet her eyes again, her other hand still stroking my thigh. Elle brushed her thumb across my bottom lip while she still had my chin in her hand. I let out a deep breath, Elle softly chuckled.

Elle continued to stroke my thigh as she moved closer to my ear. Her hand slowly moving up my thigh. My heartbeat quickened as she moved closer. "Hope you're free tonight, after Garcia's party" She whispered into my ear. I let out a sharp breath as I felt her lips just barely touch my earlobe. Immediately I knew where I'd be that night, Elle's house. More specifically: her bed.

"Y-yes, I'm free..." I say softly, Elle chuckled very softly against my ear.

"Good girl..." Elle whispered in my ear before pulling away. My legs turned to jello at her words, thank gosh I'm sitting. I froze in my seat, resisting the urge to pull her back. I knew Hotch could come out of his office any moment and I didn't want to risk getting caught.  She cleared her throat and smiled. "We should get going, wouldn't want to miss Garcia's party." I nod my head unable to say anything.

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