Chapter 13

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"Oh great, you're finally up!" Elle kisses me on my forehead.  I blink a few times, focusing my eyes on her.

I sit up as a headache attacks my head. I realize what I'm wearing, my red strapless bra and my black underwear. I scream. "OH MY GOD!"

"What's wrong?" Elle instantly sits up, gently rubbing my back.  I look at what she's wearing, white tank top with sweatpants.

"Did-did we umm..." My voice trails off.  Did I really want my first night with Elle to happen while I was drunk?  Definitely not.

"Did we have s*x?  No, you can't give consent when you're drunk!"  Elle laughs lightly.

"B-but my clothes..." My voice shaky and confused.

"When we got here, you sang songs and danced all over the place.  After that you decided you were tired.  I tried to give you my sweater to wear to bed but you insisted on staying in your bra..." I sigh in relief.  "If I remember correctly you also said 'I'll be doing your eyeballs a favor, you can't see me if your sweater is covering me up!' " Elle laughs as she tells me what I did yesterday.  I gasp, my eyes practically bulge out of my head.

"I said that to you?!"  I couldn't believe what I had heard.

"Yeah you did, you also tried to make me carry you up the stairs. I did end up carrying you but that's besides the point." Elle gets out of the bed, pushing hair back from her face.

"Sorry I got so drunk... I'm sorry, Elle..." I bury my face in the blanket in embarrassment.

"You really do apologize a lot, don't you?"  Elle laughs softly.

"Yeah, I'm's just that an ex of mine made me feel like— never mind.  I'd rather not get into it now..." I lift my head from the blanket, memories of my ex from three years ago coming back. I repress the memories again as Elle steps closer, concerned.

"Whenever you're ready to tell me, I'm here. You can tell me anything, Hallie." Elle pulls me for a hug as she sits in front of me on the bed.
"Rodriguez, Greenaway, you are going undercover." Hotch says, breaking the silence as Elle and I stand next to each other in his office.

"Together?" I ask, keeping my voice stern. Hotch still didn't know about Elle and I, we wanted to wait until we knew for sure where we were going.

"Yes and you're not getting out of this one, Rodriguez." Hotch looks at me raising an eyebrow, he kept his facial expression neutral. Elle and I glance at each other, both of us sighing.

"Is this for the new case we got today?" Elle asks, she kept her voice steady but I could see the stress she was hiding underneath.

"Yes. The team is going to Las Vegas, where our killer is now. You two will go undercover at a party, our killer will be there." Hotch leans back in his chair. "You're going to have to go undercover as..." Hotch trails off, he'd never done that.

I take a moment to think about the killer; he'd only killed gay couples, in front of each other. After killing them, he'd write on the walls in their blood that they were sinners. Shit, he's going to make us go undercover as a couple to attract the killer. We are already a couple, how hard could this be?

Elle came to the same realization, "Are you sure you want us for this?" I could hear the worry in her voice. I take a deep breath as we wait for Hotch's response.

He sighs. "I can remove you and put JJ instead." He looks at Elle when he speaks. No no, not JJ! I turn to look at Elle, a slight frown on my face. Elle glances at me, taking in my facial expression.

"Okay, I'll go with Rodriguez undercover." Elle sighs. "Is that all?" She sounds upset, I feel it in my heart.

"Greenaway you can go. I need to talk to Hallie." Worry fills me, what could he possibly want to talk about now?

Elle nods her head and glances at me before walking out, closing the door behind her. I take a deep breath as I turn to face Hotch.

"Is there something going on that I should know?" I hear the suspicion in his voice as he studies my face. He raises an eyebrow, "Rodriguez, tell me."

I can't do this to Elle, I can't betray her. Not when I'm in so deep... "There's nothing." I lie. I'd never lied to Hotch before, I had no good reason to, but now I do. Elle.

Hotch sighs. "Go back to your desk" I nod my head and quickly turn away. As I walk out of his office, I let out a breath I didn't realize I'd been holding.

Elle stopped me in my tracks, putting her hand on my shoulder.  "Don't worry about this, okay?" I avoid looking her in the eye. I knew I shouldn't have, but I push past her. I walk quickly to my desk, grabbing my things, I felt my breath start to quicken. Derek. I run to the gym locker room, knowing he's there.

I push open the door, Derek turns around. "Never thought I'd see you a mess like this, Hallie Allie." He laughs as he wipes his face with a towel.

"Derek..." I lean against the wall and slide down, sitting on the floor.  Derek looks at me as he puts on his shirt.  I close my eyes and tilt my head back.

"What's going on with you?"  He walks in front of me and bends down.

"Everything," I take a deep breath.  "I have feelings for someone that I shouldn't and—and I just don't know."  My voice breaks as Derek pulls me into his arms.

"Just breathe, Hallie.  Just breathe."  He knew that I wasn't ready to open up yet.  Derek knew to give me time until I was ready.  He understands and I love him for that.
——— Few hours later ———
I lay on my bed, looking at the ceiling.  My phone constantly buzzing on the table beside me, but I ignore it.  I snuggle myself into Elle's sweater, the sweater she let me borrow on our first date, roller skating.  I never gave it back to her though and she didn't mind it. The cold air from the window brushing my bare legs, I wore a pair of shorts.

The doorbell rang.  I look at my clock, it's 11:30 P.M.  Who the hell is that?  I get out of bed and groan.  I quickly put my hair in a messy bun as I walk to the door.  I look through the peephole to see who it is.  It's Elle.

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