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~W A R N I N G~

1. I suck at writing dramatic scenes, action scenes, and lovey-dovey scenes... (So don't be too harsh ☹️)

2. If you don't like my outfit choices, then imagine something else... (Not that difficult 😐)

3. I don't really describe my characters' looks, so you can imagine whoever you want. (It's also easier, so I don't have to remember if a character's oRbS are oCeAn bLuE or cHoCoLaTe bRoWn. 😂)

4. If you don't like this story, then just leave and don't comment... Criticism is fine for things like plot holes/grammar/if something doesn't make sense. But if you're gonna complain that it's moving too fast, I don't care... All my stories are fast reads and don't drag too long. (Or at least that's my goal.) I do it on purpose, and I'm not changing that.

5. When you see bolded italicized text, it's usually the character's thoughts/them talking to themselves. NOT a medical condition.

You have been warned.

~Temporary Description~

"Adelaide is the one who gave us information on where you guys were meeting. It was surprisingly easy to manipulate you." Adam says with a chuckle.

My eyes widen and I rapidly shake my head. "He's lying, you have to believe me!" I beg, feeling him dig the gun deeper into my skin. Dominic's expression is blank, and he lifts his gun in my direction.

"What was your plan? Marry him, kill him, and then take his money?" Adam taunts.

"What the fuck? No." I answer angrily.


I hope you'll give this book a chance! ❤️

Byeeeeeeeeee! 👋

Darkness in the BluffOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz