Chapter 16

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Cas roamed around the garden with Sam just behind him. He didn't know what to feel about the over large shadow over him, they were still suspicious that maybe he will run away.

He has no idea what to do until Benny came back with his stuff. It was burning hot, so he has decided to go with a tank top and bleached shorts taking a walk around the compound. And from what he can gain the place is huge... like the mob boss's dick.

He shook his head in embarrassment, the heat is probably getting to his head. Dean has gone off to do his 'business stuff' leaving him with his trusted brother.

After moments of awkward silence, Cas has decided to look around. The place contained several rooms, a big kitchen, basketball coat, gym, swimming pool, and a freaking jacuzzi. He even came across a wall filled with wines and drinks from around the world, he turned away quickly from that like he saw Hitler.

But the most precious thing catching his eye was the enlarged library on the second floor, it was enormous with infinite selves covered with books. That was the moment he felt sympathized with Belle's decision for staying with Beast, even he was getting wet seeing all the books.

"Tell me, Sam, why did you come back?" He asked hesitantly at the taller Alpha, who raised his eyebrow for more explanation. "Um...Dean told me you studied at Stanford...but after..." He trailed not knowing how to finish the question but it seemed like the boy understood him.

With a deep breath, Sam stuffed his hands inside his trousers and replied "Truth to be told, I actually never wanted When I was leaving, our Dad, John Winchester was pissed at me...there were loud curses before Dean came between us to stop the raging fight."

Cas watched a ray of emotions on Sam's face like he was looking through the moments again. He released his omega pheromones to calm the distressed Alpha, and it did work when the boy smiled at him thankfully before he started talking again "When I was studying I fell in love...with this beautiful Beta named Jessica... for a while, it seemed we were meant to be... I even thought of our baby's name."

The omega smiled at Sam's sad attempt to humor, he knew the Alpha was feeling melancholic. The grief was budding in the air like a nuclear reaction.

"One day, some guys from a rival gang broke into our dorm room and thrashed all around the place in search of me. It was a coincidence that Jess had decided to see her parents living few towns over and there was no one... At that time, I realized how selfish it was of me to bring her into this life. So I left...that is when I heard about my father's death so I came back."

Cas was proud of the Alpha's courage to say his emotions out loud since Alpha's tended to be ferocious beings loathing any show of emotions. "Does...Dean knows about what happened...with you?"

The Alpha laughed, "Oh he does and he was about to kill those bastards" Cas shuddered at how easily the words of killing left this puppy-eyed Alpha's mouth. "But he couldn't do much since he was on bed rest."

Cas gave a tick of lips, he asked "So were you always...Dean's right-hand man?"

The boy shook his head, "No Cas, it doesn't work like that." He regarded him with a half-smile when Cas tilted his head confused "In this life, it does not matter who you are related with, if your brother is the boss or whatever, it doesn't matter. You have to earn the place."

With a smug arch of his eyebrow he asked, "Do you really think Dean become the boss because of our dad?"

"He became the leader because of his loyalty, determination, and power to hold anyone down with his strength. When I was little I used to watch him fight even bigger Alpha's than him."

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