Chapter 6

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Cas groaned as his eyes adjusted to the light. Is he dead? Is this heaven? He cursed himself for his childish antics, if he was dead then he probably wouldn't have felt like puking his guts out. He made an oath to himself to not even touch alcohol again or go around walking in an unknown country, those two do not bond well.

The sunlight peaks from the windows, hitting him on the face. He blinks and registers groggily that the bed he is sleeping in is too soft, softer than their hotel bed. He rubs his eyes and stretches his arms about to get up, moaning at the pain crushing his body. But he doesn't have time to notice the pain when he realizes he's not at all in his room, he's somewhere totally else.

Though it's very fancy and luxurious, the room is three times larger than his hotel room, small chandelier above his head, and polished tiles, the room is decorated in dark green and maroon shades. Cas registers only the sheets are blue, matching his eye color.

He feels panic rise in him as his heart hammers loudly in his chest, he looks around for his phone. He looks at the side table over his shoulder where a glass of water is set for him. He throws off the bedsheets and pillows, his phone is not even there. Suddenly he is hit with a spell of dizziness, he holds his head in his hands to stop the curling pain in his head.

He gets up from the bed and looks around, his heels are near the bed end but there is no sign of his other things. He is happy about the fact that at least he is in the same clothes. He walks towards the door and starts thumping loudly "H-help!!!" He tries the handle but it's locked.

His voice is rough and he starts coughing from the dryness in his throat, he goes towards the basin to drink water from it. Who knows what is mixed in the glass water, he stumbles but before he can reach there. The darkness envelops him, falling on the nearest couch.


Cas jerks awake when he hears the rustling of the door. His head is still screaming at him but at least it's not as bad as before. He looks up towards the door and he can see the shadow of someone peaking beneath the doors.

Cas breaths slowly to let the other person walk away before he initiates his own rescue. According to the internet, people are most likely to get killed in hostage situations then taken as captive. So Cas is sure that the person who has kidnapped him must have happened to be in this for money.

He bites the inside of his cheek thinking why his captor is keeping him in a well-furnished room instead of some basement. Maybe it's something good they want to do before slaughtering him, Sacrificial lamb is always well-groomed.

When the shadow is gone, Cas waits for some more minutes before he stands up taking support from the couch arm and walls. He looks at his heels, he knows saving himself is the most important but they are so pricey. If he left them, he would be going on a guilt trip.

Groaning lightly he picks up his heels in one hand and opens the door "Are you kidding me??" he curses when the door creaks, he can't believe credulousness of the moment something straight out of horror or thriller stories he binges watches on his day off, Cas wonders cursing how his kidnappers have a fucking mansion but can't even repair an honest to god door. He contemplates for a second thinking maybe the shadow would come back but nobody does.

He looks left to right, on one side there is a hallway and other stairs. He puts on his high heels, they are Prada okay don't judge him, with that he starts trudging towards the stairs with the help of a wall. He gulps the lump in his throat as he climbs down the stairs slowly keeping an eye and ear out for anyone.

When he is downstairs, he brakes into a run. He looks around the place, it's as big as the hotel maybe even bigger. It's like he's in some kind of castle, if he was not in a hostage situation then he surely would've appreciated the architecture but he is so... keep walking, just keep walking.

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