Chapter 4

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Misha is soooooo CUUUTEEEE. Ahhhhhhhhh.

Castiel collapsed on the soft bed with a moan. Michael, his brother chuckled at his laziness "Jetlag? I thought you loved 'flying like a free bird'" His brother said quoting his words. Cas rolled his eyes and snuggled more onto his brother's bed.

"Shut up Michael, the seats were too harsh on my back." He says feeling the soreness in his bones and making him numb from the long flight. Right now he just wants to lay for a bit but obviously his brother is having none of it. Michael pushes him off to sit up and says "Hey don't sleep, it's your Birthday get ready."

Castiel reluctantly gets up from the bed. He looks at his brother who is dressed in a black camisole with plaso white silk pants "Do you guys really have to? Don't you think I am too old for birthdays?" He asks rummaging his bag and takes out a black satin slip dress with matching heels.

"No way. Your still my baby brother who ran around the house lecturing us about free will in the age of 5." Michael snickers remembering how his baby bro ran naked after his baths, slipping from their parents grips.

Castiel blushes and pushes his brother out of the bathroom getting in. He takes a warm shower, shampoos his hair before he comes out and dries it. He looks in the mirror, rubbing his jaw and decides to shave, after that he makes faces at the mirror singing along WAP by Cardi B. If his parents heard this they might have gotten heart attack.

'I want you to park that big Mack truck
Right in this little garage'

Cas slips on the dress singing along and applies some eyeliner and makeup to his face. He doesn't do much, because natural is the look he pulls off like a pro. He applies a light brown lipstick, smacking his lips several times as he gets out the bathroom.

"CASTIEL!What blasphemy are you listening too?" Cas quickly slides to side as his brother runs to the bathroom shutting the music, praying for Lord's mercy.

Cas sighs and looks at his brother wide eyed "You can pray before bedtime Mickey. Let's go now." He grasps his brothers arm pulling him to the door. He rolls his eyes when his brother still keeps praying while Cas drags him.

Cas hook his arm with Michaels looking around at the beautiful gardens and fountains. Cas in awe at hotels luxury, his brother and boyfriend really got all out for his birthday. Suddenly, he feels a prickly cool sensation on his spine like somebody's watching him.

He stops causing his brother to stop mid-way talking. Cas looks around but finds no one, his heartbeat quickens.

"Castiel, you alright? What happened?" Michael asks his brother confused.

Cas' eyes snap back to his brother, he shakes his head and gulps to ease his fear. He smiles and starts walking again "Nothing, what were you saying?"

Michael frowns but continues "Oh, I was saying. Don't you wish Gabriel was here?" His eyes downcast and lips turn in pout whilst Cas chuckles fondly.

"Michael, your Mother-hen is showing." His brother shoves him off playfully, there banter continue as they reach their destination.

Just when they enter through the curtain, both of them are engulfed in group hug by a blonde man. Cas laughs and hugs back while Michael complains about being deprived of oxygen.

The blonde man pulls apart, his both hands clasping Cas' upper arms with a bright smile he shouts "How's the birthday boy?"

Cas rolls his eyes fondly "Lucifer say that louder and I'm sure the whole hotel might hear it."

Michael puts his palm over Lucifer's mouth when the man looks like he is just going to do what Cas said. Michael says fondly shaking his head "Babe stop." Lucifer's eyes dance with mischief as he kisses the palm over his mouth making Michael blush and Castiel coo at the couple.

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