Chapter 10

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Cas was furious, terrified, and.....a bit turned on, but that's beside the point. He scoffs at the situation he has pulled himself into. All he wanted was to spend some time with his family and boyfriend. But the said boyfriend was found to be a cheating bastard and he can't even contact his family. 

Sighing Cas decides that he has to leave from Dean's clutches before he might go crazy. Stripping off the lingerie, he garbs on his red dress as fast as possible. His eyes feel moist, he misses his home but he knows Dean won't let him leave, crapwad with amazing jawline, hard muscles, and most attractive green eyes, Cas has ever seen.

Bursting out of the dressing room, the omega glares at Dean who is not so surprisingly busy on his phone. He throws lingerie at the Alpha, who looks back with a raised eyebrow. Cas stays his ground and spats at the man "See it on yourself." Turning on his heel, he runs out of the shop, picking up his overflowing dress.

Cas sighs in relief when none of the bodyguards are behind him. He trudges down the streets, completely lost. He can ask for help from the people but the way they are looking at him with a sneer, it's so disturbing that he tries to find someone else. Humid air blows in his face as he looks around for anyone that can help him.

His constant moving through the boardwalk was giving him ache in his ankles. He saw two police officers, one Beta, and Alpha standing near the railing discussing something. Cas ran up to them, catching his breath as he shouted: "Excuse me..." 

They both looked at him startled, trying to calm him, he exclaimed in despair "I need help. Someone kidnapped me. Please Can you help me?"

He breathes in and out, his skin heating, burning as he endures the throbbing pain on his talus. The officers looked mildly worried for him before their eyes caught the attention of someone, now they looked anxious and straightened their posture. 

Cas looked over his shoulder to see Dean with his hands inside his pockets looking at him with a smirk.

"Good morning Mr. Winchester. We will take our leave, sir."

Cas looked at the corrupted officers in horror. So Dean has everyone in his pocket here. Even the officers.

"Are you lost, Kitten?" Dean said in fake innocent worry. Cas looks down wanting to shrink into a ball as Dean takes authorized steps towards him. He says chuckling "Those aren't best shoes for running Cas."

Cas looks at Dean with a bitter smile, as his legs hurt. He is in agonizing pain, his toes hurt and it's like someone is poking his heel with a needle. He pants and looks away, feeling his jaw clench in anger and deference.

"Sometimes fighting is futile. In those cases accepting is very important." The commanding voice of Dean is enough to make Cas look at the Alpha "The faster you do it, the better for you." 

Cas' feels his legs tremble from the flush coming from the sun, Dean's lips twitch in amusement "Maybe you should accept the adventure fate has decided for you."

Cas scoffs at the man and shouts "It wasn't fate, it was you. You kidnapped me." His finger push over Dean's heart, now after all of this he doesn't even care that the man can kill him.

"A real man makes his own luck."

Cas doesn't register the word clearly, his legs shake as he blinks trying to stable himself. But his head spins making him dizzy. His knees buckle as his legs finally give out, Dean catches him bewildered by the turn of events. 

Cas's eyes are hooded, he looks up at Dean and sees the man fretting over him. "Cas? Cas? CAS....?" Cas doesn't even have the power to respond, he feels warm arms wrap around him as he is picked up, putting his head on the shoulder Cas looks up to see Dean looking ahead, he can feel the tense muscles as Dean walks faster by each step "Don't worry. I'm gonna take you to Rowena."                                         

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