Chapter 25: Mudbloods and advice

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"He called me a Mudblood."

"HE WHAT?!," I yelled, startling Ron and making him dribble slugs down the front of his robes. "Sorry Ron."

"He didn'!" Hagrid said, reaching out to grab Hermione's hand.

"It means dirty blood," Hermione started to explain to Harry. "Mudblood's a really foul name for someone who was muggle born. Someone with non-magical parents. Someone... like me. It's not a term one hears in civilized conversation."

"Hermione you're the only one who considered a 'mudblood'," I tell her kindly, seeing how upset she was.

"Yeh see, Harry. There are some wizards, like the Malfoy's family, who think they're better than everyone else cause they're what people call pure blood," Hagrid explained to Harry.

"That's horrible!" Harry said, looking even more angry at Malfoy.

"It's disgusting," Ron gurgled next to me as he brought up another slug.

"An' it's codswallop ter boot. Dirty blood. There's 'ardly a wizard that's not half-blood or less. If we adn't married muggles, we'd 'av died out long ago. Besides they haven't invented a spell our Hermione can't do," Hagrid said putting his arm around Hermione. "Don' yer think on it, Hermione. Don' yer think on if fer a minute."

Hermione wiped her tears away and finally started to smile. She knew everyone in the room believed in her and would always be there for her when she needed it.

When Ron had finally stopped bring up slugs, I walked with the three back up to the castle where I was going to take Hagrid's advice and talk to Loki

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When Ron had finally stopped bring up slugs, I walked with the three back up to the castle where I was going to take Hagrid's advice and talk to Loki. But first I wanted to know what Harry had been up to, I hadn't had the chance to talk to him since school had started and wanted to know how he was going.

"I was so worried about you over summer Harry. What happened? Why did you fly a car to school?"

"You wouldn't believe it if I told you," Harry laughed.

"My Dad's a super solider from World War 2. Nothing can surprise me anymore."

"A house elf called Dobby turned up at my aunt and uncles house one night telling me that it wasn't safe for me to return to Hogwarts and that he had been taking all my mail believe that none of my friends cared about me because he wanted to keep me safe," Harry started to tell me.

"That explains why you never wrote back to any of my letters. What else did Dobby have to say?"

"When I told him that I was going to go back to Hogwarts he ruined my uncle's business meeting that was going on down stairs by dropping a cake on the head of the man's wife and then disappearing. After that night my uncle locked me in my room and put bars on my window so I couldn't get out. If Ron and the twins hadn't come to get me, I'd probably still be locked in that room."

"No, you wouldn't, Harry. My Mum, Dad and I were so worried about you and were about to fly over to get you. But Fred and George wrote to me and told me that they had a plan to get you," I told Harry, wrapping an arm around his shoulders.

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