Chapter 9: I Know What's Going on

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Shinso’s P.O.V.
    I woke up to my father telling me that school was canceled not like I actually slept. I just pretended, so my dads wouldn’t worry as much.  After that, I lied back down knowing I wasn’t going to sleep still, but I just lied there knowing I had nothing better to do than lay here and worry about Kaminari which I've been doing three-quarters of the time lately.  I wanted to go check up on him, but I didn't want to bother him so here I am again lying in my bed fighting myself about whether I should go talk to him or not.  After about forty-five minutes of fighting myself, I decided I’d at least make sure he was ok, so I got up finally and left to go to the dorms.  While walking, I was filled with anxiety, worried about Kaminari not knowing why the feeling was stronger than usual.  So I sped up trying to get there as soon as I can then after getting there I walked straight to Kaminari’s room and knocked on the door lightly then a few seconds later the door cracked open and a very tired looking Kaminari looked out at me the moment I saw him an ache suddenly tore through my chest and I looked at him holding back tears.
K: Oh hi, Shinso what’s up?
S: Are you alright, you've been acting different, and you look sick?
K: Yeah, I'm fine, probably just a cold or the flu or something. 
S: Have you gone to see Recovery Girl or a doctor?
K: Uh… no I-I’m fine really 
I looked at him. He looked so tired and sick it scared me to see him like this.  Was it my fault?  Does he think I'm with someone?  Would he care? I ended up zoning out questions running through my head and got snapped out of it when suddenly Kaminari fell.  Surprised I leaned down checking on him, making the door open a little more and all I was able to look at was flowers covered in blood littered all over the floor.  They were everywhere on the floor, the bed, there was even a trail of them to the bathroom which I don't want to know what it looks like in there.  His trash can was full of blood-soaked flowers and fallen petals. It looked so horrible.  I once again looked down at the now unconscious Kaminari in my arms and I could have sworn he looked less pale than just a minute ago now resting his head on my forearm breathing shaking slightly from how raw his throat must have been.  I picked him up resting his head against my chest, closed the door carefully and quietly, and took him to my room because I didn't want to lay him in that blood-soaked bed.  Once at my dorm I laid him down and called Aizawa.  I explained what I found while sitting next to Kaminari rubbing small circles on his back because I knew it always helped calm him down.  After getting off the phone I sat there keeping up the circular rubbing pattern on his back and waited for someone to show up.  Looking down at a calm Kaminari who curled up against my side, I kept rubbing circles on his back as the worry I felt made my heart pound in my chest feeling like it would explode if I got any bad news.

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